Alone, early sobriety and heartbroken

Where to start…I’ve been in a relationship for almost 2 years now with another alcoholic. We both have had bouts of sobriety off and on these last couple years. We just had a baby 6 months ago; we had another relapse about 3 weeks ago, it was only a day but still a relapse. I have remained sober, however he has continued drinking and has tried lying and hiding it (he forgets I know his tricks and am also a lying alcoholic :roll_eyes:). Well it happened again this morning, he was acting strange, hasn’t been sleeping and I finally got it out of him he was hiding a half pint. I have really had enough, he doesn’t think he needs rehab, but also refuses to talk to his sponsor or anyone in the program. I know I can’t change his behavior or him, but I need a safe space for my baby and my sobriety. I made him give me his copy of the keys to our apartment and made him leave. I’m heartbroken and sad, he didn’t seem upset at all, but maybe it’s for the best. Just needed to vent it out. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


I’m sorry you are going through that. It really is hard, and honestly I have no advice because everything you already said is true. And I feel what you did was the right thing. Your sobriety comes first, so that everything you love in life your baby doesn’t have to come last. He will find himself again and hopefully this will wake him up he knows what he needs to do


I also live with an alcoholic. I decided to get sober 10 days now!! Woohoo. I’m just waiting it our,and working on,myself. You know as an alcoholic, it have to be a personal decision. Kicking him out, hopefully will wake him up. I’m sorry you and your daughter are,going through this. Listen to kate pulumbo on sobriety Corp. Theres a woman on there who lost her infant while she was messed up. Alcohol can surely suck your life away. Praying for you


You’re brave and you are doing the best for yourself and your baby. Hang with us and with other sober folks. You’re not alone. hang in there. One day at a time. Hugs.


You did the right thing Christina, setting boundaries. Now you focus on you and your baby, and remember: you’re a good person who deserves a safe, stable, sober place to raise your child in a healthy way

Stay strong sister. You can do this. Seek support as you need it, don’t be afraid to bring your child to meetings - many parents do - and build a community to support you.

Looking forward to seeing you around! :innocent:


Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. But you are thinking about the right things, even though it hurts.
Stick around here. People are always listening.


If someone really wants to get sober they will and it has to be for themselves. If they’re getting sober to please someone else, it won’t work, I speak from experience. Took me 41 years to wake up and make a decision.


Don’t have any advice but just wanted you to know you are heard and you are not alone :pray:t2::two_hearts:


oh, christina. that sounds really difficult. i dont have much advice as i’ve not had a relatable experience. but hugs to you :heart:


Life is weird you just have to live it, all my support going your way hope it gets to you and everything works itself out.

So sorry you are going through this. I know it’s so hard especially with a young baby and fighting an addiction yourself. Concentrate on staying sober and making smart choices for yourself and baby. We know we can’t change anyone. When he’s ready he will get sober. Keep your head up and know you are not alone. There are lots of resources out there to help. Sending you positive energy. Your heart will heal… just believe in yourself all else will fall into place. :heart:

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You’re amazing! Most new mum’s don’t have the energy or courage to make these types of decisions!! Even about what diapers to use let alone HUGE, positive, life altering decisions!

Stay strong! You’re not alone!!