ALT levels are high?

I had blood work done 2 years ago…and my ALT levels were totally fine. I had some blood work done yesterday and it shows ALT high. When I googled it says that ALT is a liver enzyme and that a high level indicates liver problems. I would have thought that at 11 months sober I’d have an entirely NEW liver now!!! I don’t get it. What else could be causing a high ALT result?


Are you on any medication sue?:slightly_smiling_face:

Using any kind of painkillers like Ibuprofen ore so?

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Or acetaminophen?

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I just read that elevated ALT can mean hypothyroidism (and dr was testing for thyroid issues) but TSH levels would be high yet they were on the low end of normal.

I’m confused. :disappointed:

I just noticed A1C level is fine…so shouldn’t be diabetes.

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I did recently have a cold and between cold medicine and pain relievers for head and body aches I wonder if it is just stop much acetaminophen. I tried to mix up the acetaminophen with ibuprofen but maybe I didn’t monitor it close enough.

Hopefully it is just a minor issue and fixes quickly.


Have you had a liver ultrasound to rule out fatty liver, inflammation etc? Mild elevation can be common too. Folks can also have liver disease/cirrhosis and have normal enzymes too. Did your doctor want any follow up?


I haven’t heard from him yet…the tests were online. Since the blood was drawn yesterday he might not even have the results yet. I’m going to wait a few days then call him.

I did once have an X-ray that showed hemangioma on my liver. But I’ve never had any other issues since then.

I do plan on asking for further tests…I think the ones he requested before were just a start.

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So frustrated. I had a message from my dr that only said “please call us back” and I can’t get through…on hold for 10 minutes than disconnects. I just wish they said SOMETHING in the message to help alleviate my stress.


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Acetaminophen is a liver killer. Try to avoid taking it at all cost

I know you’re right but I’m leary if taking NSAIDS since I have myself an ulcer in the past. I know the REAL solution is to not take pain killers at all but… (I’m human. I’m not perfect)

So yeah…I’m getting a new requisition for a full set of liver function tests. I guess I’ll be doing that next week.


And…my doctor’s idea for “liver function tests” is pretty lacking. I’ve emailed him back to ask that he add a few other tests to it…we’ll see if he agrees.

I had some liver function tests a month or so ago and it just consisted of my doctor taking some blood.
I googled and that is apparently how they are done. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, but he only requested two tests. There should be about 5 or 6.

Can you get tests done on your own? I know with quest labs we can get some tests done without a doctors order.

I was referring to how my doctor did mine, sorry if I caused any confusion. :slightly_smiling_face:

I bet you it was the Tylenol/Acetaminophen you were taking for your cold and body aches. Goodonya for requesting a full liver panel. Could also be fatty liver like @Salty said. Given our history I would request a liver ultrasound to have baseline imaging at least. Hope everything turns out well!


For what it’s worth, I had blood taken in January and my ALT numbers were up. My doc said come back in 6 mos. and we will do another test. Test in the summer showed normal ALT values. I had been killing myself on the bike and was taking Alleve before the January test. Not so for the summer test. Doc was not concerned; just said try to lay off the pain meds unless absolutely necessary.