Another relapse this is never going to end

Feeling fed up of this life


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I have tried everything but temptation always seems to win I just can not help my self

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When you say everything,as there is so much support out there but sometimes it’s about timing and being in the right place your know when your there it will feel different than the other times it’s like a switch turning on few suggestions I hope help you.

121 councelling
Smart recovery
Smart recovery online
N.a community or online
A.A community or online
Drug and alcohol support service
Family and friends support

I hope some of these may help even just one keep on keeping on


I have tried the meetings but never carry on with them I have a problem with not being able to carry on with things I just don’t know what to do my heads all over the place and I just feel like am never going to change but in my head I want to change


I do understand,where your at I struggled for many year wanting to change but not really putting anything into changing it,maybe a visit to your Dr 1easy step no commitment but could get loads of information about how to move forward.


Also there’s one thing wanting a change but another putting it all into practice I really do hope you find the courage to see your journey get off the ground once you get that good feeling of not using etc it so will be worth it.x


Dude i feel ya, I’ve been fighting off and on for 5 years. I’ve taken some strong stands during that time and a bunch of have assed ones. I’ve fallen off and gone back out for some serious lengths of time. One thing has remained the same through all of it though, I’ve known i needed to stop.
I’m coming up on 90 days clean again but this time is different for me. I’m accountable, my sobriety is no secret to anyone that matters. I’m working on my sobriety everyday in one form or another. I wont get cocky and say i got this shit beat, but i have this shit beat today.
Keep fighting until you find resources that work for you man there are endless ways to navigate sobriety. But one thing is for certain a clean life is way the hell better than a life using. Good luck man.


It took me a very very long time to string some days together, so I feel you. A few things that helped me were…

  1. Keep my focus on being sober today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. And yesterday is irrelevant.

  2. Keeping a list of why I don’t drink anymore and referring to it when I am thinking…hey maybe just a drink or two.

  3. Coming on here and Reading all that I could.

  4. Getting so incredibly sick of my own bullshit.


An AA friend used to say he got sober when even he could not believe his own press releases.

The unstoppable force of reality meets the immovable object of denial, and when the denial is smashed, sobriety happens.


I have had many relapses over the years. Drinking only got worse and worse for me. I’d quit for a while, 30 days, 60. Sometimes my relapse went on for years, sometimes months. My last one was a couple of days.

Every time i want to quit drinking its because its creating problems in my life.

It effects my behavior, and my health.

I cant moderate.

I cant drink like a gentleman. I used to be able to, but I lost the ability somewhere. I set rules, but i break them.

It always starts out fun, but ends up bad because I cant control it.

My final relapse was 77 days ago. I call it that because i truly want it to be. I cant live a fullfilling life as a drunk.i have tried. It isnt working.

I mostly use this forum because its available 24/7 post here. Its good to have a team. The people here have great advise.

I go to AA meetings when i can. I’ve made genuine friendships. Its nice to see and look people in the eye who dont want to drink. They understand.
They care.


I’ve said that before, that I can look people in the eyes when talking to them, mostly because I don’t feel hungover and ashamed. I noticed it right away.


I have relapsed again 3 days ago. Today I am 2 days AF. I really want sober life. I hope it was my last relapse.


How long were you sober? I see you’ve been around since '18.


I have been 16 days sober. Then my last relapse happened. Lately my sober days are getting very long. I hope this is my last relapse. I am hurting myself and my family.


Then say it IS your last relapse not HOPE. You need a game changer, for something to sink in and hit you over the head! C’mon Enkhbold, git her done!


I completely understand what you mean. I feel the same way. It seems like I will never have a clean life. Last week I decided to give it the best shot I can. I make a picture of my dad for my wallpaper on my phone that tells me to please stop smoking. Weed has never been my drug of choice but it’s the last one for me to quit. Going completely sober is scary af. I started last week giving it my all. I messed up and smoked but not near as much as I was. I was smoking 3 to 5 times a day. Last week I started and only smoked a little a couple of the days. This week I started my counter over and I am not letting anything reset my counter. One day at a time. When you think about quitimg dont look at it as a forever thing. Take it one day at a time. No matter how many times you relapse dont give up. I’m trying to take my own advice and I know I may mess up. What really matters is that I dont give up trying.


Thanks for the courage and advise. I am very happy about my future life sober. I want to be free from alcohol poison jail. This evil liquid that trapped me and eating me alive slowly is hell on earth.


Thank you guys am gonna get back to my doctors on Friday am also going to go back to aa meetings on Thursday and also going to go to the church to ask God to please give me the strength I need to beat this. Take it day by day to stay sober. I don’t want this life no more


Hi Stevie,

When we accepted we are powerless over our addiction and our life has become unbearable then we will be ready to take certain steps.

You can persevere. As long as you accept you’ll have to bare with some not so happy feelings. But they will pass… That’s for sure.

Good luck. And… If AA doesn’t suit you try NA just as welcome there.