Anxiety attacks personally

I have been having horrible panic attacks for about 3 months almost 4 now. I will be 3 years sober from alcohol in March. I had anxiety growing up very bad and I drank to cope with it and it’s all coming back to me; the anxiety and panic and dissociation. Please someone if you could tell me how you get through it, it would help me a lot as I feel so alone.


You are not alone. I am glad you are here,welcome. I am not qualified to advise you Ashley. I think you should seek out professional help. I dealt with severe p.t.s.d. from childhood trauma with a qualified therapist. I believe there are many methods to address anxiety . In my case my therapist employed e.m.d.r. (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) and it worked beautifully for me… i am so sorry you are suffering. Three years of sobriety deserves :clap:. That’s awesome. Please do not let your addiction to tell you a drink will help,because it won’t. Feeling disassociated is something you should address immediately. I can offer you support and possibly suggestions but I feel it would be dangerous to tell you do this or do that because I simply do not know. Please keep coming back here and let us know how you’re doing. I wish you all the best Ashley.


Hi Ashley, I agree with Soberbilly towards a therapist. One thing I remember when fighting pyschosis the therapist said to check in with people you trust and tell them your distressing (or manic I suppose) thoughts to run it by them.

I would add talk to yourself like you are reparenting your wounded child and don’t forget the HP, the good Lord is looking after us and is a loving parent to us also. Boy, Ty , I needed this too.
Would you like us to replace some of your ‘unhelpful’ thoughts with more functional ones?
Congrats on your sober days, take good care :hugs:


Welcome to the Community :raising_hand_woman:

3 years is amazing Congratulations :fireworks:

I also suffer from anxiety, I do get support from Dr and I can tell you asking for that help was not as daunting or as bad as I expected it to be, it was actually a relief.
Id definitely say the replies above offer great advice to seek some help :hugs:

I’m the meantime have you tried some guided meditations? I say this as I suffer from dissociation most nights from around 4pm through to the evening and since becoming sober the meditation is the only thing that quickly makes me feel like my feet are back on the ground and back in reality. Not always but most of the time, and maybe this could help a little for you ?

It’s great to have you with us :slightly_smiling_face:


I am thankful for your input @Twizzlers and for @Nowenbrace adding what I feel are excellent suggestions. I hope @ashreuer checks in in the next couple of days.

Saw this about depression and anxiety

When i looked it up it said practice mindfulness and meditation and also breathing exercises, wishing you well.

Yep. Me too. I finally asked myself why I was okay with alcohol as medication when it was unhealthy, detrimental, and the worst? Why not be open to something healthy, effective, and potentially life changing in a positive way? I echo the advice to seek professional help. If your body had a terrible symptom of disease for 3-4 months, you would probably have a professional check it out without question. Your mind needs the same treatment. Congrats on your 3 years. You clearly have a strong will and great tools. Treat yourself to some new ones by finding someone who can steer you through this. You deserve the peace of mind you seek!


I’m so sorry you’re suffering, anxiety attacks are the worst. I’ve suffered from anxiety and bad coping mechanisms all my life, and what helped me was therapy (I used my works employee benefits thingy I forget what it’s called), medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, and exercise. Also I spend as much time as possible covered in blankets and puppies. It takes a bit of trial and error to figure out what works, and a professional can definitely help you figure out your options.


I completely agree with everyone here in that professional help really makes a big difference. Outside of this, when i do experience anxiety i often do this technique:

Ita a grounding technique that brings you back to the present. Deep breathing helps me also. Wishing you all the best!


I walk! Walk, walk, walk.

And just a tip, if you are low on vitamin D it can really help to get it higher, I felt big difference when I got my D vitamins in higher level.


I’m seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety. Unfortunately, most of the drugs they prescribe, I can’t take. Here are a few things that have helped me. Panic attacks are usually short, the worst part of them lasting less than an hour. Knowing that calms my mind. Another thing that helps me is drinking a glass of water and going for a walk. The fresh air and change of environment put me in a different head space. Lastly, try to keep your mind busy, write in a journal, read a good book, take a bath, do anything to keep your mind focused. Good luck, and congratulations on reaching out. Seeking help is a sign of strength.

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I have no experience with this but I will keep you in my prayers. I send you a ton of hugs and good vibes :heart: