Any advice how to get my girl friend to get sober with me?

I don’t know how to make her see that the life we live isn’t the way. We need to change but she doesn’t want to stop the drugs.

Welcome! You can only change and control your own actions… can you quit and just hope that she does as well? Lead by example?
Have you two ever been sober together for a while?
Maybe try asking her to go with you to a meeting. Other than that I’m not sure… but you quitting is a great start.
Good luck and congrats on making the first step of wanting to stop. It is the best choice you can ever make for yourself.


Sadly sobriety is a very personal thing. The only person you can get to go sober is yourself.

The real thing you need to decide is if you can stay with her if you get sober and she doesn’t. Because if you want to get sober you have to be prepared to do anything and that might mean leaving her behind.

But on the positive side, she may decide to join you when she sees how happy a sober life can be.


Thanks for the advice bud

No we haven’t but I’ve tried to get her to go to meetings with me but she doesn’t want to go. only time will tell.

Keep reaching out on here and reading about sobriety. Usually after the first few days you start feeling so much better, and then months with a program you are a changed person. For me each day gets easier with more sobriety. I also attend AA 3 times a week and it has been the best thing for me. Ever.
You could consider jumping into meetings and finding a sponsor… someone sober to talk to . But just being here is a great start too.
If I wasnt sober I wouldn’t have my children or husband. I may even be dead.
I encourage you to continue down this path, you wont regret it!


I sure will. I have lost a lot here recently and don’t want to lose what I have now. Where would I sign up for AA? Or get a sponsor?

You should be able to find a list of AA meetings in your area online. All you need to do is show up.

They should also give you a list of temporary sponsors until you can find a permanent sponsor.

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No signing up…you just show up. And if you make it known that you are new you may find that a sponsor will come to you!!

Some meetings I’ve been to they’ve asked at the end for those available to be a temporary sponsor to identify themselves. Go up to any of them after the meeting. That’s what they are there for.

There is a new app called “meeting guide” which should list all meetings near you.
Just being around others who have quit or want to really helps. And you can start replacing your fair-weather friends with sober, healthy ones!

My advice: lead through example. A leader knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way.

Decide to be better, and then be better. Sober, happy, and healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Live this, and she just may want some of what you have. She may decide to be better.