Any dance moms/dads out there?

Hello everyone!

So… my daughter begins her first ballet and tumbling class today. She is 2.5 y.o and shows a large interest in dancing and gymnastics. However, i am so anxious and nervous about her class starting tonight. I have had “butterflies” all day. Any advice is appreciated!

Awww hell yes. I was a ballerina for years got pointe shoes when I turned 10. Wish I never quit. At that young I really don’t know any advice, but I hope she likes it! Great thing to get them into :heart: if u have any specific questions ab ballet / items I can answer gladly :slight_smile:

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She has been walking around on her tip toes and wearing her ballet shoes around the house. I really hope she has fun and the other children are friendly. She is such a gentle hearted little. She considers everyone her friend and i dont know of i am ready for her to be bullied. Ugh… lol. I just need to think positive!

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I was the same way just dancing around the house and stores until my family realized they should probably put me in a dance class. & Bullying is always something to worry ab unfortunately ;( as someone also susceptible to bullying I was bullied once or twice in ballet. But I feel like it stemmed from jealousy (and that didn’t happen until later on in my ballet career). Hopefully in such a young class that won’t be a problem, but if it ever is just be sure to talk to the dance teacher so they can address the child’s parent. Usually the kids are too focused on dancing to do things like that tho. Good luck!

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Drunk dad dancing and I’m your man anything else not so much, sorry.

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