Hey guys, just wanted to see if theres anyone else in here celebrating recovery from meth??? Im 677 days sober and counting
Other than using it a couple times while vacationing in Mexico over the years, I’ve been off Meth for 13 years. I went hard for about 18 months when I lived in Arizona. Unfortunately I’ve been an alcoholic for 20 years, but trying damn hard to be in recovery.
Was almost 13 years clean from meth.
This June I relapsed and am still struggling to fully quit and unfortunately was taught to IV it this time.
Hey there. I’ve been clean from meth for 177 days. Congratulations on your sobriety. Woohoo!! I’ll get there
Hey there. I’ve been on and off meth for 30 years. Previously I used a pick (i.v) but my last round i was puffing only and it was harder for me to get off. It’s all the new additives in the stuff. I’m clean now. The first two weeks was the hardest.
I’m using IV mainly but also use the other ROA’s except parachuting. I smoke, booty bump and snort as well ( albeit rarely now due to massive damage caused my it ). I’m getting off slowly and I haven’t been able to get a “high” off it in quite some time. Living situation makes it difficult to stop completely but I’m almost there. I want my life back so I’m determined.
Hi there
45 days clean from meth this time round.
Want off the carousel once and for all
I was only puffing but still took me over a year to get clean after my last relapse. It is all part of the learning process so dont be too hard on yourself. I planned my home detox withdrawal thing which made it easier also.
I used it IV and just about every way i could. But IV and snorting were my preferences. The IV addiction is much harder to overcome because it becomes 2 addictions. Now you’re not only addicted to the meth, you’re also addicted to the needle. Stay strong! I’m here to talk if you need it!
Good for you!!! You’ll get a lot further when you no longer want to use!!!
It it 5:20am here and i didnt sleep a wink last night. 47 days clean - i think i am hitting a wall. Might need to get myself to a NA meeting or something later on.
ABSOLUTELY! Seek help. It’s important in recovery.
Thanks stayinstrong1128. Sometimes just seeing there are others who know what its like helps heaps. how are you doing?
Im doing well today. Some days are hard but I have so much that keeps me strong.
I dont know what iV addiction is like but i when i was younger i did get my friends and family to iV me. Did coke and heroin once that way and hated it. Speed was awesome that way though.
Is it normal with the meth after 1-2months to feel like you cant do it cause thats how i feel.
My step daughter has been on and off meth for 3 years since she was 17. She lost custody of her child, her appearance became awful, her skin and hair went bad. She got run over a car running in the streets meth out. She almost died. She lost vision in one eye, lost hearing in one ear. After her near death accident she continued to use. She was raped several times. The family could not help her. One day she was coming home to her meth boyfriend house. She found him dead, hanging from a beam. He killed himself and we do t know why but he had meth in his system. They said it was a bad batch. She is now (she says and looks) clean and sober. She is getting out patient treatment and on probation for crimes she committed when she was high. Meth is a terrible dangerous drug and the people selling it to you do not care about you. Yes it is hard to quit but you have to. Please quit.
It is very sad to hear about your stepdaughter Newyork.
However people dont start smoking meth because they want to lose their kids, have their looks go to shit, go to jail or nearly die. It is called an ADDICTION.
And it is not just meth. Alcohol destroys the human body in unimaginable ways, has killed countless of unborn babies and has filled our jails to breaking point.
Alcohol caused my uncle to have a brain heamorrage 15 years ago when he was just 52. He now has a metal plate in his head, half his skull missing and although he learnt to walk again he only regained part of his speech.
Alcohol also gave my neighbour neuropathy and he lost feeling in both of his legs and everyone could tell by the way he walked that he was an alcoholic. Kids are taken off alcoholics too, many commit suicide and many alcoholics nearly die by accident. And dui’s have killed many others on the roads.
I dont think it is true that meth is this big bad drug that is soooo much worst or harder to quit than any of the others. Yes it affects different brain receptors to what alcohol and other drugs do. But that is why recovery from it is different. Just like recovery from alcoholism is different to recovering from heroin.
Yes meth is highly addictive, however not everyone who has had it has become an addict. Just like alcohol, pot, heroin, speed, crack, cocaine, prescription meds, ecstacy, lsd and the list goes on. Some people can try these things and walk away. I have drunk alcohol but never become an alcoholic. Other people cant and become addicted.
Also no family can help an addict quit drugs or alcohol unless they are ready, and until they hit rock bottom they probably wont be ready to quit.
Meth and heroin is bad news…