Any porn addicts out there?

At a very young age, I discovered porn, and boy did it ruin my life for a good amount of years! Started beating it for fun, then for stress relief, and then I couldn’t stop for soooo long.

4 months ago I met a girl, and I finally decided enough was enough and I became sober for 4 months - until last night. She broke up with me 1 month ago and I haven’t been the same since.

Though from doing research, porn addiction is actually a very large problem, but it’s (in my opinion) not recognised enough as a problem, as talking to people about it in the past back when I was a teenager people would only give me the usual “Oh it’s very normal for your age”. It wasn’t. Not this amount. They don’t know what it’s like. And I even thought “Oh, adults don’t watch porn, they’re mature.” Then I proved myself wrong by becoming an adult and still not stopping.

I think 4 months sober is a very good milestone, though it’s sad I’m back at day 1 again. Such a shame, I was already planning a small Corona-proof party for when I reached 6 months sobriety :frowning:

How did it affect my life? In my teenage years, it turned me into a huge pervert, and I feel really ashamed for that old me. I already attempted to stop during those years, but I couldn’t go on longer than max. 12 days, with the withdrawals devouring me alive at night. I eventually started seeking Christianity and it changed me in a positive way. Recently I have also started exercising and I’ve tried finding more people I can talk to about this, and that’s how I ended up here.

The withdrawal urges are the worst, though. You lie there, in bed, with insomnia, and your body is refusing to let you fall asleep until you do it again. And you can take thousands and thousands of measures against it, but it’ll find it’s way eventually.

My best measures:

  • No phones in bed
  • Sleeping early and waking up early
  • Ice cold showers
  • Now towels close to bed
  • Exercising and working so hard that you don’t even think about it

The biggest mistake I’ve ever made was thinking I could be ease on the measures because I thought I’d be fully sober at 4 months. And that’s why I’m at day one now.


@MwinecwaftOwO While I’m not in exactly the same boat, I’ve had my fair share of porn battles. I wish the church was better at handling this. Is there someone at your church you trust enough to help you walk through this? Otherwise, this forum is really helpful for all addictions, and we’re here to support you and cheer you on.


Hi Xander, it is very common and there’s a good number of us here who have it; I’ve invited you to a thread about it.

This interview with Patrick Carnes discusses sex addiction, but porn / masturbation is a key part of sex addiction as well:

Neal made a post here on TS with some useful links:

Never give up, never give in. Sobriety & self-respect is worth the effort.


I have had a crippling porn addiction for at least 16 years. I thought, for years, that if I could get to the bottom of WHY I would be able to stop. Nevertheless, it become compulsive. I HAD to, otherwise I felt like I was literally going to die. So, I went to religious and secular conferences, had accountability software installed, went to confession every day, literally flogged myself, hated myself…I would self-mutilate or attempt suicide. I thought it was all-consuming.
Then, I stopped trying to stop. I know, I know…follow me here.
Instead of figuring out how to stop and punishing myself, I let myself just be.
Then, while in therapy I learned something painful. The reason for my addiction to porn is my way of taking control of my own sexual abuse, and my punishing myself afterwards is vestiges of guilt I felt for that abuse.
Now, although I still struggle, I can go weeks and weeks without the compulsive and obsessive thoughts consumes me. Which is way better than the several times a day, every day.

Be kind to yourself. Take it one moment at a time.


I’m still not very confident about discussing this with people in real life, which why I chose to join this place here :slight_smile:

I’m really looking forward to share my experiences with others and also looking at experiences of other people, as we’re all in this together!


That’s really encouraging, I just started on my journey to"sobriety" from PMO, will try to be easier on myself too