I’ve tried to quit drinking a ton of times before, but what always happens to me is I get one of those hardcore triggers (get fucking pissed at work, go to social game board night, friday night right after wirk, etc.) and I absolutely obsess over the thought of getting alcohol until I finally convince my mind that its okay.
Do y’all have any strategies for beginners to get over the initial hump so the first couple of weeks aren’t so bad?
I came here, read and went to aa. Temporary substitutes for alcohol could be mock tails or n/a beer depending on your preference. Soda, coffee and club soda also help. I was a beer/whiskey girl, so carbonated beverages really helped.
When those hard core cravings hit me and chamomile tea or lavender won’t work, I hit the Kava. You can try tincture or powder… either way it taste like dirt but for cravings that intense it works.
Sparkling apple cider helped me yesterday when everyone was drinking. Also try juicing. It gives you the vitamins and energy that makes your body feel good.
I’ve been drinking sparking elderflower in a champagne glass instead of white wine - it got me through New Years Eve, and the added bonus was it looks close enough to wine that nobody bugged me with ‘why aren’t you drinking?’
Also I ‘treated’ myself to a selection pack of different herbal teas and have one of those every evening. I’m surprised how much I enjoy it and it’s now become a much healthier habit.
Shirley temples, kombuchas, teas, coffee. All of these are good substitutes for me when I get cravings. Even water as well.
It all depends on where Im at and whats available.
Also, I find working out frequently gives me a good reason not to make it to outings.Infact I plan on using it the next time someone asks to get a drink. I find it also helps me sleep better.
Distract and delay are two words that work extremely well in helping sobriety. Like others have mentioned distracting yourself with other non alcoholic beverages to help ease the physical motion of drinking, finding something that can take your mind off the drinking if that be go for a walk, take a shower, read or even driving the long way home to avoid the local. There are also quite a few articles and websites on this forum provided by other lovely sober readers/commenters that could give you ideas to encourage your sobriety. Hope this and other comments can help you
I have the same triggers as you! I was a huge “But I’ve had a long day!” beer drinker but I’ve been drinking teas and sparkling water and sparkling ciders instead. Sometimes I will add a splash of juice to the sparkling ciders/waters to add a little flavor! Be careful with NA beers, I was a big beer lover and the NA beers seem to be missing that something that real beer has. I actually found myself craving a beer more with the NA beers so that’s tricky. Good luck! I’m 15 days in and feeling great
I drink pink grapefruit juice with lots of ice and some sparkling water, white wine was my poison and the grapefruit seems to give me the sour tangy note I crave! I also love elderflower cordial with sparkling water, slices of cucumber and a sprig if rosemary or a few mint leaves, again with lots of ice, Google mocktails ; there are so many lovely ones and they feel like a real treat
Ice Cream and craft sodas have been working for me. I’ve always had a sweet tooth but it’s better option then reaching for my daily beers or wine. Good luck let’s know what ends up working for you.
Also I’m sure you’ve heard this over and over but exercise is great for fighting cravings. Just push yourself into doing something you’re uncomfortable with.
For over the holidays I was making virgin caesars (basically spiced garden cocktail) and a virgin champagne cocktail just so that I wouldn’t feel left out. Now I’m just sticking with club soda (low sodium).
I like to drink LaCroix. It’s refreshing and you get to hold a can. Which in a strange way is comfortable. Also maybe check out a soda stream. I got one for Christmas and I’m hoping it is helpful for 2017. I’m on day one by the way. Just got this app this afternoon.