Anyone else feel bored all the time?

All my friends drink and do drugs, and there is hardly any time they don’t. I feel like if you’re going to do anything fun, you have to either drink or have tons of money. I try to go to the movies every Saturday, since it’s the hardest day. Does anyone have any advice for fun stuff to do that won’t make my wallet feel so sad?


I know exactly what you mean! Staying busy is key too. What I would recommend is join a gym. I like to work out, swim, then hit the sauna and hot tub. It takes a few hours and you can join a 24hr fitness for only $30/month. So basically a dollar a day for a lot of entertainment and you will feel great too!


In early recovery yes I tried to protect my sobriety so it did get boring. But now I’m seem to busier than I want to be. That happens when you are old lol. No I go all the time. As for ideas have you thought about volunteering, one member says dancing is her new thing, meetings, if you look into AA/NA in urban areas they have functions all the time, and exercise/run/walking. Good luck


yep I find it hard too… I’ve started going to meetups in my area (stuff like boardgaming etc where alcohol isn’t expected to be involved… might sound dull but I have a lot of fun). I also have a gym membership that offers swimming and classes and like lifting weights and practicing yoga. I do some volunteering too. I’m still finding ways to have fun on my own at home like getting back into art and crafts, writing and generally having a creative outlet. Honestly my favourite thing to do is be in nature so I need to make that a bigger priority. Visiting new places makes that more exciting for me. I think the key is finding what genuinely stimulates you. I used to make my own clothes, upcycle furniture and create zines and do all sorts before I started drinking and drugging and I had so much fun before I convinced myself that I had to be high to enjoy myself… just trying to find that spark again :slightly_smiling_face: someone else or google can probably explain but I think in early recovery our dopamine receptors are still messed up so it’s harder to satiate that feeling of boredom.
Also watched this video that you might be interested in:


I love you for this! I agree… it’s boring at times and I’ve done a lot of reading on this subject and from what the long term sober people say, as with everything else in life… things get better with time.

I’m a homebody and was a home drinker so I’m still trying to adjust and reprogramming my brain to do normal house chores sober. I’m on day 44 and as an observation, my days are definitely getting easier. I’d take a boring day over a hungover, crying, puking, regretful, shamed, anxiety ridden day anytime!!!


I found some new hobbies. I’m a big hiker now, i reached out to old friends from school or work that never really drank or did drugs. I never really hungout with them because i was busy drinking or partying. So i asked if they wanted to do something and now i am building a new friendship base with sober activities.
You got this! Stay strong.

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