Anyone here ever come off of Effexor/venlafexine?

So I’ve been on Effexor for Couple of years. I miss more than two days and get weird brain tremors/ withdrawals. Have to get off of it eventually if I want to get pregnant. Anyone ever use this horrible drug? It’s great cause it’s worked but it’s a bugger to come off of

You need to go to a doctor and wean off the medicine. You can not go cold turkey.

Yes, I’ve been on wellabutrin, effexor, zoloft, and paxil. You can’t abruptly stop medication. You have to be weaned off to not have serious withdrawal symptoms. Go see your doctor and tell them your plans.

I’m not stopping it believe me I’ve done that on other meds and learned my lesson. Effexor is just known to be harder with more side effects and I wanted to know if anyone else has gone through it

Sorry I should’ve clarified. I’m not going cold turkey

So can you go two days without Effexor without any symptoms and then get brain zaps on day two?

I can’t go more then a few hours after I take it before I start to feel weird.

Like I usually take it in the morning but if I don’t, by late afternoon I will feel weird in my head (kinda like I am floating it’s hard to explain).

It works for keeping my depression at bay, and at this point my body is dependent (which is different then being addicted) on it. I honestly would probably crap myself if I had to go off.

I was off for 5 days bc of a slip up with my pharmacist and it was the worst 5 days of my life. I’ve come down before from drugs, but never like that. It sucked.

I had the same situation with Paxil a few months ago…a huge mix up with meds and the withdrawal was horrendous.