Anyone here wanting to quit Cannabis and struggling?

Hi . I’m 35 been smoking cannabis since I was 18. I have tried quitting on numerous occasions but never lasted. I’ve set dates to quit a few times this year but now I want to try and quit again.

I’ve not bought any today and want to carry that on.

Anyone else here going through the same things.

Maybe we could support each other through it .

I quit smoking weed in April of last year. I was a daily smoker (on and off) for the better part of 20 years. Although I didn’t feel like it was out of control or causing me problems like my other addictions, I needed to clean up for a job I wanted to take.

The thing about weed is that, despite the lack of physical dependency, the psychological component of the addiction can be powerful.

My experience was that the first 30 days were relatively difficult. I drank lots of herbal teas and coffee in lieu of smoking.

I have perhaps a more difficult situation than some others because I live with a daily smoker who has no interest in quitting. I am frequently in the room when he is smoking.

Still, after the first month, abstaining became much easier. Increasingly, I didn’t think about wanting to smoke.

I was able to overcome the addiction simply by abstaining for a long period of time and committing myself to being someone who no longer gets stoned.

My best advice is that you just resign yourself to the fact that you will experience some unpleasantness for 4-6 weeks. It will likely be worst in the first few days, but should progressively improve. You will be tempted to give in. If you do, that isn’t going to make it any easier next time you want to quit. Just take it one day at a time and always remember the reasons you want to quit as a way of maintaining motivation.

Good luck to you. I know this can be a difficult addiction to overcome, but it is definitely doable.


It is doable. Very doable. Delete your contacts who provide it. Join the gym. Start cooking and cleaning. Find other things to do!

I was an all day everyday smoker for a long long time. Getting arrested helped me quit, but working the 12 steps of AA (or NA) make it possible for me to stay sober from all drugs and alcohol.