Wondering if anyone is my area, looking to build a network.
I’m in colorado… but I can still be a good support
Thanks!! Good support is important
Omg it’s vital!! :). I love going to meetings and all that stuff. About to head to gym then to work :). 9702173694 f I can be of any help. Day or night. Not sure if I get notifications on here or not so if u need anything call of text
Well thank you, enjoy your work out. I am on my way to IOP until 12.
Nice. I was in treatment a Mo the ago :). Is that what u mean by iop?
It’s intensive out patient therapy, I go 5 days and 4 hours a day.
What exactly is this? I’m in counseling doing the motivational enhancement therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Im liking my counseling wish I had it more than once a week.
It’s out patient but it is a groupie people new to recovery. Are you in Mass?
No IOP is out patient.
I do believe next month I will jave a group my counseled and 12 steps guy will be doing. I do 12 steps as well for court and getting my daughter back. So in order for them to speak about me progressing I can’t do it in group because of confidentiality. I want to be in group though. I’m going to ask my counselor about this.
Gotya. That’s good ur trying to get ur daughter back…:). Congrats. You can do it!!
Hey u. How’ve u been?
I am good, living the sober life, 55 days today! How are you?
Yay!! Congratulations. That’s huge!! I’m awesome thanks. Spread the love