After the very bad drinking weekend I have decided to go sober. For the first time.
Feeling very positive. But I’m smoking more cannabis as I still feel like I ‘need’ something. Am I just switching one addiction or another?
Not quite the same but eating a shitload of chocolate everyday instead of drinking, I wondered the same thing about just swapping addictions x
My opinion about switching habbits/ addiction u will keep the addiction up…that leads upkeep another bad choice. My advice is stop smoking . ITs all bad and just another excuse . Make good choises
I think right now Marijuana keeps me from drinking alcohol half as much as I would if I didn’t smoke. Pot also keeps me tobaco free. I’m also not quite as compulsively fiending over weed and the high is so great for people with anxiety. Personally, I’d like to be 100% clean but right now I’m definetly allowing myself to smoke as much pot as I need to not drink or drug (my tolerance doesn’t get really high) and I know alcohol is my hugest problem.
I have thought about it. Oddly I had my intake at treatment and while drinking I was smoking a LOT of weed. Somehow I tested negative. I too had a bad drinking weekend. Husband found me on floor unresponsive and took me to hospital. I had a BAC of 0.441. I start treatment tomorrow, seeing how that goes.
@Ash i really hope you stop smoking as well. I can see your point, im not arguing With you im just concerned. Do something healthier instead… i belive smoking do increase anxiety . Thats what i experienced. Do take care of your self , please . Hugs from Norway
I don’t like pot but I do pop a valium or some codeine probably a bit too often. But I’m dealing with one thing at a time! For me the alcohol was causing more issues
Your right I think I know I need to quit pot too cuz it still clouds my judgement
For me, it’s about a lack of control. No matter the substance I use I lose control. I thought I loved pot. Until I realized l’d do more to get high than to spend time with my family, pay bills… I mean everything I did I had do it with an altered state of mind. Now, I love the PEACE of mind I got from being sober. True happiness comes from within me. Not from external factors.
I took up cannabis after a hospital detox for alcohol because I still had the feeling of wanting to change the way that I felt. I don’t even like cannabis but it was there and it’s a substance. I relapsed after 2 weeks and my drinking just carried on and nearly killed me untill i went to rehab. I know now that I must be abstinent from all substances to be sober. That’s what sober means. Sometimes I wish that I could take or leave some substances but the alcoholic addict in me won’t allow it. I think if you’re asking this question then you know deep-down it’s probably not the best choice to make but I fully understand those who are pro to ‘it’s ok to smoke a bit of pot to help with my alcohol withdrawals’ as at the end of the day it’s your life and your journey. Good luck
All substances are a treat Even pain killers. Im very hard on that for my self. I got to be this way. Hope you find your path and make the best choice for your self. My best advice is stay clear from it all . Find your inner power and choose higher power instead. Find a sponsor .
Sometimes the addiction is to altering your mind and escaping reality by any means possible. Addicts often replace addictions with other addictions. You can find pretty helpful short and sweet but full of info articlea on pinterst or the web. For me the more i read about my problems, became knowledgeable of them, was honest with myself about what they were and where they stemmed from the better i can face them even in my toughest moments. if you want it you got it.
I agree 100%~ I keep finding reasons not to let a sponser into my life. I know I need someone though