Hello, My name is Dylan Boucher, most people don’t think marijuana is an addiction, part of the reason it took me so long to realize , but it is my addiction, and i realize it now, I’ve smoked about 40-60 grams a month since i was 12, Im 22 now… Id like to start by saying that I’ve had some major changes in the last week, getting ready for college, moving, a breakup. What i really wanted to say is I never planned on going far in life, I’ve had previously tried 5 times to end my life, when that didn’t work id resort to cutting, which is another one of my addictions. Im new to this forum and just looking for someone who’s in the same boat, could really use some advice. Please Help,
Studies have shown with the increase of quality in chronic it does now have a addictive nature to it, especially to those who are either susceptible to addiction or have underlying conditions. Weed is now 400% more potent than it was in the 90’s; from a average of 3% thc to 13%. I myself love pot but want my short term memory and ambition back which has disappeared with smoking and drinking. Along with it I find most greenery I can get (still have to aquire it via black market means) makes me paranoid and full of anxiety. So pls dont feel alone in this because you are far from it. The cutting I can relate to because I use to enjoy it as a teen as well. The pain makes us realize we are alive and distracts the mind. My suggestion is to try and pursue a hobby that you have always wanted to do or imagine yourself being a badass doing said hobby. I just picked up guitar and it has helped immensely. I suck ass at it right now but I know if I work at it and stick with it I know one day I can melt some faces and drop some panties. Also trying to learn Spanish as well. Recovery is about finding out the person you were ment to be before we started clouding up that vision. Your going to college and I’m all to familiar with that situation and feeling like everyone does it and your weird for not. This is not the case. Most of those doing the partying will regret it later on in life for not focusing on something they are spending 50k+ on. Just do you and find you and don’t let other people, sociol norms, tv and commercials, or anything else get you down on yourself! Stay strong and move forward!
I, too, use pain in an association of feeling alive. Unfortunately, I used cutting as my outlet in my younger years. For me, lifting is now my outlet for that same concept. The pain felt at the gym, while lifting, as saved me from self-harm. I was also constantly sore from working out, so that gave me the same effect.
Pain is not necessarily something to avoid, especially if it comforts or motivates you, but finding positive pain is the key.
(I hope that makes sense)
Thanks for the advice \ opinions, everything helps, i usually keep a very open mind, don’t be afraid to be blunt with me… Thanks again for your time and consideration
Sincerely Dylan
Of course!
Stay strong and believe in yourself