Anything hard is worth fighting for

Hi I’m new here anyway, my name is Rieanna and I am an addict of many things in my life but for the past 3 years it’s been opiates. Today I am 36 days clean. The day my mother died is the day this disease took me over. And I’ve fought so hard to get here today. I’ve hurt so many people along the way, I’ve stolen things, I lost my soul, I became someone I didn’t know. I didn’t care about anything but my next high. As all addicts do. I didn’t want to feel let alone live. But I really did, it was the disease that took my will away. I am so grateful for today and everyday at that. And so thankful for the program I’m in, the people I’ve met, and my family. These people saved my life. But I also am my biggest hero because I found out how strong I really am. I did this own my own and I will continue to fight with ever fiber of my being. Cause anything hard is worth fighting for! God bless! Keep fighting we are all stronger then we think. No one said it will be easy but it damn sure is worth it. Life is beautiful!


Congratulation @Rieanna_Tondola u doing a Great job. Remember you are the most valuable person in your life , keep on doing what you do . Be real to your soroundings .honesty, its for sure Worth fighting for .


Absolutely! I remember a time in my addiction when being honest was not even in my vocabulary. Now, it is a must. Thank you. :slight_smile: @Cobaltchris

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Ur amazing! Our stories are really similar… I’m a recovering g meth addict. Keep it up!


And so are you! Thank you. Keep up the fight :grinning:

Hit me up anytime :slight_smile: 9702173694

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