Hey there! My name is Luke and I’ve been sober for 47 days today. I know this is somewhat pathetic but I came here to hear from people who actually appreciate that accomplishment. It’s become evident lately that no one around me has actually ever seen addiction and recognised it. It’s unfathomable to me because I know so well the signs of dependantcy after displaying them myself for 6 years. So from one alcoholic to another, how does it feel at one year? How does it feel in ten years? I know all the bad feelings but I’m new to the feelings of success.
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Im not at 1 year, but Im at 86 days… I know how you feel. I hope you realize how big of a deal 47 days is, we all do here. Some wont ever understand your daily struggle, thats okay its not for them its for you. It takes alot of strength to choose to be sober everydy, to tell that inner addict in you no. Seriously good job.
People will question why you do it, theyll often be intimidated by it as well. Some dont like change, it makes them recognize their own issues.
Continue getting through each day knowing you will remember all of these days… nothing to be embarrassed about, nothing to cringe at, instead you get to be proud of yourself.