At it again

Well, I’m new here. So anyway, I’m 24 years old and am on probation in college. My gpa is low but that isn’t the issue. I failed a few classes and withdrew from several more, which put me under my school’s standard for credit hours attempted v. completed. One reason for my slump was a massive depression (I have GAD) due to a breakup; the other was the increased frequency of my drinking that resulted from this. I’m over the relationship and have had a few since then. I’m involved with someone now, and my drinking has caused me to get anxious and paranoid to the point where I would act super clingy and emotional at times. It’s been a strain to many a relationship of mine, romantic and platonic. A couple of days ago, I realised my habit was way out of control. I’d been bingeing almost every weekend on liquor, and I’d buy usually about 2 high gravity beers a night, which I knew was bad for me. I’ve put on some weight since my drinking increased. I used to be quite skinny, and very confident in my appearance. Now, my self-esteem is suffering. I’m overweight, not obese, but with the alcohol, I never had the energy to exercise. I’m going on day 2 now, and I’m hoping that being sober for a time (if not permanently) will give me that energy and help me stay emotionally stable.


You can do this. The first step is wanting to change. I’ve only been sober 33 days and many nights I’ve craved that drink, mostly wine.

I’m rooting for you.

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Welcome @Slyrish. As an anxiety and depression sufferer myself, I have gone through some of the same things while and after drinking. We think we can drink, but we forget how much of a depressant that alcohol really is. Especially when bingeing - which for most of on this forum means why drink if we are not going to get completely hammered. I am about 33 days in now and the depressant thing is something I think of alot. I never want to have that horrible feeling after drinkink again. Best of luck to you!


I also drank because of a relationship and honestly I missed my ex more when drunk or hungover than when sober. Because I was depressed and felt I worthless and unloved.


I can definitely relate. Being drunk always made me feel empty and made my loneliness worse (I would usually drink alone). So I would push people away whom I loved and would try to reconnect with people I rightly disconnected from in the past. There are very few times when I haven’t regretted that. It usually comes back to haunt me.


@Slyrish Welcome to the forums! I will say we are a loving group with nothing but the best intentions to help and support each other.

Maybe the second best thing to a therapist! :hugs:

You’ll learn so much from all the experience and journey’s of others. Stick with us you’ll look back in a few months and be amazed at how much you’ve grown as a person.