Attitude of gratitude

I just cried because of how grateful I am for today. There was nothing in particular very special about today, but I was able to go to the gym, pick up some fresh veggies and fruit from the store, went to 2 meetings (one was a mess but was entertaining) with the last having the topic of fear. It was exactly what I needed. I’ve been so fearful of everything. Fearful I am going to fuck up before I even have the opportunity to.
Someone mentioned that the opposite of Fear is Faith. Faith that everything will be okay and will work itself out the way it needs to be.
My connection and concept of my higher power is becoming stronger and that is so very exciting for me.
I realized I dont have a routine with prayer/meditation just yet and after the meeting a friend suggested I choose a spot in my house that I should dedicate to only prayer and meditation so when you go to that place to only do that you are taking action. I have a chair in my room I only throw clothes on so looks like that is my new prayer spot, and must now respect it by not throwing clothes on it. :slight_smile:
I’m sure I’m going to slip up a bit but really going to try and do this every morning and night for the next week to see how I feel.
My heart is bursting for all the little beautiful things in life. Today was nothing special but the small beauty of it brought me to tears.
I hope everyone can take the time to notice those small little happenings, acknowledge it, and give thanks for them. :heart:


That’s a beautiful post :blush::heart:

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Thank you - so lovely.

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Awesome.just make my day smile.:wink:

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This was beautiful. Thank you.

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Thank you! :heart:

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Love watching your progress! Well done.


I had that kind of day yesterday too. I had some important errands to take care of. I wasnt thrilled about it because I had to ride the bus and thet would make it take all day.

I had a great time. People were really interactive with me. I had good conversations with strangers. Got to see people being kind to eachother.

I enjoyed being alive, and sober. I felt grateful! Gratitude helps me feel content. That helps me stay sober. I forget how beautiful life can be.

I focus on positive things.


That’s really fantastic! I’m so glad you had a wonderful day and got to enjoy those interactions. Human connection is everything :slight_smile:

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