B12 Vitamin

So I’ve seen a few people on here suggest b12 vitamins for a bit of an extra boost. I picked up a bottle of the vitamins but not sure how much and when is best to take it.

I normally take a multivitamin which does contain some b12. The b12 I got is 500mg. I don’t want to over do it and not be able to sleep though at night. And I don’t know if I should take it every day or just on the days when I feel more tired than usual.

Anyone have suggestions?


Does it not give you any guidelines on the packaging regarding the amount.
I generally take my multi vitamins first thing in the morning, I drink a large glass of water with them first thing in the morning before my cup of coffee followed by a cup of tea🙂

Super B Complex is really good. I have low energy from my crohns. I have taken that for awhile and it’s a solid mix. It’s B12,B6 and a few others mixed together. I haven’t just taken B12 by itself except when I was actually getting B12 injections from my doctor.

Morning with food. Worked best for me

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I take two of these in the morning first thing (with a other stuff)


I will also take a b-12 dissolvable tabs later in the day if i think of it.

Let me just say that I am not giving up my espresso and coffee anytime soon.


The bottle said one to three a day. I feel like that’s a big difference. I just don’t want to go all in with three and feel like jittery garbage. I’ll start slow.
I took it with food with my multivitamin. I didn’t really notice any difference though today. I feel exhausted like I do every day, even with a full night of sleep.

How is it meant to benefit you, extra energy or something? :slightly_smiling_face:

I would also recommend the dissolvable or chewable as the body sometime find it hard to break down and absorb so 500mg you wil be fine.


I used to take a B complex vitamin every night.

The thing with vitamins and minerals, it takes upwards to 90 days for it to work so taking consistently is key.


Used to? Any reason you switched/stopped?

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That’s good to know, thanks. I just had a look at my multi vitamins and iron and was happy to read that they contain b6 & b12​:+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I felt I had a deficiency of B and others from drinking and poor diet. After taking the B for a while, the symptoms of deficiency went away so no need to take them any longer (plus I was having a hard time shutting my mind off at night).


B12 is a vitamin you only found in animal products like meat, fish, milk, cheese, etc.
Like in supplements you can’t overdue it because what you’re body doesn’t need you pee out.
It’s also a supplement your body found hard to get in your system because it has to go trough stomage first and there it is “attacked” by gastric acid. So the best high dosed supplement B12 you can use is the lozenges. The B12 comes in your system trough your mouth/ mucous membranes.
Hope you understand my Google English :blush:
I take a B12 too because of my eating pattern. I don’t eat animal products.


Thanks everyone!! I’ll keep it up and maybe take an extra one today and see how it goes.

I did buy the lozenges but it wasn’t intentional, but good to know that’s what I should have gotten anyway.

If I am supposed to dissolve the vitamin before I swallow it, does have any benefits to have B vitamins in the multivitamin? My multivitamin is a giant pill that I swallow. Would it be beneficial to switch to a chewable multivitamin?

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I take a strong B Vitamin- gives me Illuminated green urine so must not need everything in it

Or you are an alien…


Haha I nearly asked if Darren was sure he hasn’t been abducted by aliens :joy:


You can’t overdose on B12. You will pee out what your body doesn’t use. When my B12 levels were low my doctor put me on a 1000 mg a day dose.

From what I’ve understood sublingual is better than swallowing. I’m not sure if it is because it will then be disolved in water (like @dot.dot.dot mentions) or if it is that stomach acids destroy it.

Some people get shots but I’m not prepared to go that route.


Yes…neon yellow pee is a side effect of B vitamins!!


Good to know about the neon pee! Cause I would have been like wtf?! Lolol

That’s not the reason :grin:
Vitamin B allways gives that colour to your urine. It’s a side affect. It had nothing to do with having to much of it :+1:

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