Baby steps, but I'm making them

Today was a rough day. All I wanted to do was stay home and drink until I had to sleep it off enough to watch my girls tonight. But I made the choice to spend the day with my oldest son and them instead and it helped keep my mind off just going to the liquor store “one last time”. Tomorrow is a new milestone for me, it will be my first day at work in a very long time that I won’t be still buzzing or have a massive hangover to contend with. I am looking forward to day 3 of being sober. It may not seem like much but it feels like a giant step in the right direction for once. It feels good to fight back. Tomorrow may not be easy but it will be good.


Good for you!! I don’t know about you, but for me, once I got past those first few days (and weeks) of feeling crappy, I really relished feeling refreshed and hangover free in the mornings. Such a different incredible positive feeling.

Keep making those baby steps!!!


It already feels better to start the work week not hungover. Now I just need to figure out a way sleep again with out the alcohol. It’s been a long time since I just felt tired and not sick.

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The sleeping thing can take time. I used benadryl for a bit…but it works sporadically for me. I also use yoga nidra meditation, guided sleep meditations, bedtime teas, warm epsom salt baths, lavender diffusers and magnesium for sleep. I never had luck with valerian. Small doses of melatonin can also help.

I say bunny hops! :slight_smile: yes it’s been 5 days for me. But I know that once I see how I feel freer and starting to pay off debts & money available not to meet my urges. That’s beautiful. Living intentionally is a beautiful thing.


Even before my drinking took a hold i fought insomnia and I’ve tried many different options. I am willing to try them again and maybe now they will help.


Way to go on 3 days! It may not seem like much now, but it’s a huge milestone! Personally, every time I’ve tried to stop, it’s those first few minutes, hours and days are the hardest! So kudos to You! Keep going, keep you head high, and don’t be afraid to ask for help, and let someone know if you’re struggling!


Nice one Jenny I’m happy for you :grinning:

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Well done Jennie - you’ve achieved a lot - keep going as it gets much easier :+1:


This is absolutely beautiful. Wow. Much respect for you

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I so appreciate everyone’s words of encouragement. They make it some much easier than just doing this all alone. I may not be able to talk to the people close to me yet, but talking with all of you here and reading about your struggles and triumphs is a flashlight in this dark tunnel.

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Yes it is not easy but it is a necessary growth of intentional living.

Congratulations on your 3 days . It can be the hardest time in sobriety the first few days week’s as we have alot of old habits to break . The sleep thing does get better but 4 me it seemed to be months before i slept well. Keep at it and keep ticking off the days cos your so worth it x

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It is a great feeling. Keep fighting!
Have you tried melatonin for insomnia? Give it a try, it could help, at least in the beginning.

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My morning ritual has changed so much in Just 4 days. I know longer wake up and first thing i need to do is check my phone for calls and stupid texts I may have sent after I blacked out. It feels so good to know I didn’t do anything I would regret in the morning. New morning ritual, i come check here and see how we are all doing instead.

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Right on, Jennie :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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Oh, you’re on your way now! I read your decision to stay away for just one more as a watershed event in your sobriety. You said no to the first drink, you said no to yourself, and you acted in your intention and decision to stay sober until bedtime! That’s good stuff right there.

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Good job!! Keep up the good work :raised_hands:

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