Back down again

I was clean for the best part of 6months and this weekend i callapsed and gave into my vice
Im at the end of my tether now the mental health team in my area have passed me back to my gp
I dont know what to do, it seems i move forward in fixing my life and then something happens and shuts it all down again and i end up the way i was when i started using
People say im here whenever you need me and thats including my girlfriend, but that never happens when i need it the most there is no one


I’m sorry your struggling. Why don’t you put your faith in this app and let everyone here help and support you along the way? This app is what changed my life. No joke. I was addicted to pain pills for almost 20 years. I stopped, started, stopped, started, over and over again my friend. I swear i didn’t think there was any hope for me. I literally almost lost everything to. And one night i had said to myself im done. Im going to make it thru this time with this app. And sure enough im at 332 days sober today. If i can do it, i know you can do it. If you ever need someone to talk to you have hundreds of people on here that will love and support you. Get familiar with this app. Read peoples stories. It was the best thing i ever did for myself.


Now that you’ve joined the forum, we will always be here for you. We all want to help you and see you succeed. You can do this


Thank you and i hope i can do this im 15 weeks without cigarettes and that seems a walk in the park compared to the constant need for this shit
The worst part is i had it right infront of me everytime i would hit it and think to myself wtaf am i doing and still inhaling it
I cant shake the constant little whispers in my head telling me to use again and again


Thank you
My trust in humanity has dwindled severely as of late sorry to anyone who may think im being off with them but its not intentional
I never had a problem with addiction until my life started falling apart


What happened wif you don’t mind me asking y were u re referred bk to gp i got ,6 months n picked up BC I started closing off from my supppport and for me making excuses so it made me feel less guilty about picking up,it’s a vicious cycle and it has to be broken straight away as I find in lapse we do have a head full of recovery things snowball much faster outta control.go bk to gp and asked to be referred again and keep communication open all the best it can be done :pray::pray:

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You CAN do this. Weather you choose to or not is a different story. Right??? Were all here for the same reasons. Addiction. In my opinion Addiction is the same, weather it be cigaretts, drugs, alcohol, food, etc. Feel free to reach out here whenever you need to. We’re all here to support eachother and to lift eachother up threw our own struggles. I think you’ll find it very helpful.


Its more the question of where to begin cause i think this has built up over a long period of time then i kind of imploded

Correct me if I’m wrong, but is it possible that you were addicted beforehand, which caused your life to fall apart, which caused you to abuse more? Like in a downward spiral?

Thank you
And i am hopeful that i can do this and glad that there is people i can talk to who understand the struggle

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I had no addiction prior to everything fallin in around me
I became depressed and heavily stressed caised by the toxic marriage i was in which inturn caused me to gain anxiety ontop
I got offered it one time i went out with a at the time “friend” some been having cuple drinks ended up having some then the next day i needed more it helped me believe i was escaping reality then when wore off had more and so on just kept chasing over and over again so that everything that had happened to make me feel the way i was didnt get to me anymore when i was using