Back to class and feeling great :)

I started my summer term tonight and I’m excited to have something to occupy my time. I will have lots of course work, but it’s good. I like to keep busy. I also bought some cheesecake tonight to celebrate my husband’s last day at his district and fresh start at a new one. I’m also nearly 12 days sober. I’m feeling good about life at the moment.

I hope you’re all having good, sober days/nights. :heartpulse:


You have a lot to celebrate! Let’s eat some cake for that! :confetti_ball:


mmmmm cheesecake! :heart_eyes:


Great job on making it almost 2 weeks.

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Congratulations on your first 12 days! Studying is very nourishing. I heard a phrase the other day “study what you can share”. - really got me thinking… so, enjoy the course and sharing your skills with the world!

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