Back to day 1!

Back to day one! I’m such a failure. :cry: drank too much wine, fell out with my husband, anxiety through the roof. Hate myself so much right now. Trying to be strong and just pick up and start again but so annoyed at myself. Why can’t I do this!!!

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This was me a couple of days ago. You can do it, great you reset. Small steps, take care

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You can do this! Learn from your relapse! Use it! Every day sober makes you stronger, but every relapse learns you something too!

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Glad I’m not alone. And that we survived another relapse. I loathe that word. And counting effin days. Best if luck to us all.

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Can’t count years, until you count days. Account. Access. Recommit. Reset. Drive on.

35 days here since the very last drink I will ever take.


Focus on today, right now…and being sober now. You cannot change the crap in the past. You can and should apologize, accept what you did and vow to do better. We have all been there and we know that horrible anxious feeling of shame and disappointment. The thing is, you don’t have to feel that ever again.

I found it VERY helpful to keep a list on my phone of what I gained by not drinking and how I wanted to live my life. I referred to this a lot when I would think of having ‘just one.’ Keep adding tools to your sober toolbox, looking at the WHY of your drinking and finding new activities to keep you busy (if needed). Keep moving forward.

Take it one day at a time.