Bad dreams after getting sober?

Yeah I know it’s classed as a hypnotic, that zopiclone I mentioned that we have here in the UK is in the same class. They are all bad news. The buzz I used to get off Ambien was a little bit like a benzo buzz. I’m not dm down with taking anything that can make you sleep drive🙂

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Haha, I’m with you!

I don’t take anything regularly anymore for sleep. If I’m having a rough patch I take Vistaril. It’s the only thing that doesn’t give me dreams, which is weird because it’s a failed antihistamine. But, I only take it if I’ve not been sleeping for a few nights. I have to manage an entire restaurant, and remain sober at the end of the day, so I have to draw the line on sleep aids somewhere. :laughing:

I very occasionally use unisom which is a antihistamine I believe but that gives me screwed up dreams also. I will look in to the vistaril test you just mentioned and maybe give it a try. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this vistaril also known as hydroxine pamoate?:slightly_smiling_face:

I take nothing. I have never had an issue to fall asleep, just had a few nights with some horrible dreams

Yes, that’s the one. The HCL is Atarax. I can’t take Zquil or Unisom. The night terrors are REAL! That’s why it surprises me that Vistaril doesn’t mess with me.

You will probably have them again in the future. There is a long period of adjustment when it comes to sleep and sobriety. But, they become less frequent and less intense.

It wasn’t until I read a comment on here, I think it was actually one of yours, that I realised the insane dreams that I was having were down to the sleeping tablets I was taking. I’ll give the vistaril a try.
Having had s benzo addiction we just have to be hypervigilant.
I remember the first benzo I ever took was a 40mg temazepam jelly egg, a sleeping tablet they prescribe in the UK (restoril in the US) they had to ban the jelly egg version in the UK because people were losing limbs left right and centre from injecting them. Want anyone would want to inject one is beyond me though :thinking::frowning:

I had horrible dreams the fist month. And horrible anxiety when i wasnt sleeping.
Im almost six months sober now and i havent had those kind of dreams for a few months.
I still get some anxiety, but its not as frequent. It was paranoid, impending doom anxiety, now its more normal dealing with life on lifes terms anxiety.


I experience also realy strange, bad, nasty, scary and funny dreams since Iam sober. All kinds of weird stuff is coming in to my dreams and the feel reel!In the beginning it was all about me drinking, but that happens less now.
I try not to pay much attention to those dreams… Because most of what happens in my dreams, is the opposite how I behave or will behave in real life.