Beard Talk

Now that’s impressive! lol

I use regular stuff. If I took more care of mine it would likely be as nice as Scott’s but I’m fine with mine being rough, suits my style lol

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If i didnt get sober, it wouldnt be pampered. I have the time to make the stuff…

Just started getting sober and growing a beard.


I need to get on your level.

I use simple shampoo and conditioner. Like to coat it in coconut and wash it. Mostly just use OGX Moroccan/argan oil daily

wWeak compared to some, but a beard nonetheless. It’s more about how you use it anway…


Mine’s not impressive enough for it to matter… A lot of times I’m too lazy and just use face wash because, well, it’s on my face.

The WORST is getting out of the shower, starting to go about your day and suddenly realizing you forgot to dry your beard… yucky feeling.

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Beard shampoo is castile soap, coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil. I use eucalyptus oil to 1) wake me up in the shower, 2) it has antibacterial properties…

My beard oil uses the same oils, but is scented with sandal wood oil. Easy and cheap


@anon53189373 does if I’m not wrong…


Alas, I am amongst the clean-shaven ranks. My company frowns on them. No shave November could lead to No job December.

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This just makes me laugh :joy: Greatness all around.

That’s hillarious :joy::joy:

The only time I’ve grown a beard. 2013-ish? I stick to just having big ol’ sideburns these days.


I… Shaved today. I’m so ashamed!


Felt handsome, might delete tho.


Whoa! That’s nicer than most heads of long hair lol

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Beards are awesome, guys!! Keep up the good work! :hugs::hugs:

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I’m growing mine back…

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You will have to share :bearded_person:t2: lol

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Probably about two weeks in 1/20/19