Because “pastafarianism”, as far as I can see, is as logical an explanation for my existence as any other theological offering
Sorry reply in wrong thread…
And up again!
Read, join and stay sober
Bumpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the app’s Patrons and all the app’s clan
Got together and gave this good forum a hand!
I think I might become a patron
Lord knows I spent hella more than $5 per month on my booze! This was an easy decision. Thanks for all you do @Robin
Beth - LOL! Lord knows is right…
Hulk bump
Only reason I’m not a patron yet is because I don’t have a credit card
Great app for addicts helping addicts,I see it like this my addiction took £100/1000 a month off me so what’s £1 to whatever else you can afford.for me it’s a no brainer for me,please become a patron and helps this app keep growing if you can:pray:
Hey all, just a reminder that you can support this forum by becoming a patron. Addiction costed us a lot of money. Way more than a couple $.
My addiction had cost me €1600 during my 15th and 16th year of life. TS helps prevent spending all money on addiction, therefore I think it’s a great cause to contribute to
And up
What Claudia said
More than happy to finally become a patron. Thank you TS.
And up again
Become a patron to help this app grow!!
How many have we on board now.i beleave it was about 23 or 33 in November December time
I just looked it up looks like there are now 46 Patrons
AHH that’s great thankyou
Wow!! That’s awesome