Being sober is a challenge but possible

I have been sober for the past 4 days. This gave me time think about my life. I have done lot of intro inspection. I realised the following

  1. My alcoholism have hurt many people(parents, my kid and my siblings)
  2. I made lot wrong decisions while under the influence of alcohol
  3. I have not been spending time to build relationship with my daughter
  4. I have lost lot of money through alcoholism

I will never touch alcohol again in my life. I want to fix all wrongs I have done in my life

  1. Make my parents and siblings proud
  2. Spend more time with my daughter.
  3. Save as much as I can so I can take my daughter to a better school next year(2019).

This is app is not only about stopping addiction but self realization.



Well done on 4 days maybe a meeting might help ,they helped me stay sober wish you well


Congratulations on your decision to change your life forever. You should be very proud of yourself. That being said, please remember first and foremost, you need to take care of yourself right now. Everything else in due time. Right now focus on not using, and living in the now. Don’t take on too much too soon. Do what makes you feel well, be around people places and things that will keep you well. And no matter what, realize this, it’s going to be a long hard struggle, but it will get easier over time. Then, once you’ve established your own Wellness, then you can focus on trying to reach out in in repairing your relationships right now though try to remember you can do this, forgive yourself, don’t look back, do what feels right to you, and take it one day at a time. Best wishes