Besides this group, what other sources are you using for your journey

Self Help Books
YouTube Podcasts
Keeping Fit
Clean Diet


AA. Working the steps with my sponsor. And I also have monthly meetings I attend that is full of people that have all taken the self-improvement seminar I took, which is how i got sober in the first place.


I work a program of recovery. Mine is AA. @SassyRocks got WFS and soberistas on lock. You can ask her what they are all about, but they are probably cool. I like these groups bc it’s people who have gotten sober sharing with other people how they got sober.

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Thank you for this. Day two here. Right now honestly I’m just exhausted. I remember last time it took about two weeks before I started having any sort of energy again but right now trying to focus on sleep meditations so I can get back in a better routine. Your list was very inspiring. Going to check out some of those other apps you mentioned. :heart:

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Loss is hard. I’ve just lost both of my dads parents nanny and Poppa in the last nine months. It has been a tough last year. But I’m ready for change. Glad to hear you downloaded insight timer! I even use it with my kids great sleep meditations which is what Imgoing to focus on for a bit. I’m exhausted. Thanks for responding.

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Glad it helped you. I have tried a lot over the years in my recovery.

Get as much rest as you can. I feel like I slept for a month in my early days. Your body mind and spirit are healing. :heart:

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All of the above :purple_heart:
I also got spiritual :butterfly:


I’ve just discovered this:

Tommy Rosen is an amazing guy btw and has his mindset where it should be. Highly recomend to search his videos and listen.

Well I have used a few things.
My kids… I didn’t have thr energy or motivation to play and have fun with them.
A health kick has definitely been great for my long term consistency. I eat right and work out and I hated putting that toxic ick into my body.
I started an amazing IOP thay also gave alot of insight and coping skills.
I started going to Celebrate Recovery which was great for my accountability and I also started a step study with CR.

During a period of time when I was really needing a quick connection and someone(s) to listen, I took to 7cups as well. I found the people very supportive and the act itself of having time to simply vent without people offering advice was helpful for me…like releasing a bit of emotional pressure.

  • and thanks @Donut89 this is reminding me to see if I have added them to my resource list.
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Thanks for the topic !

  • rearranged rooms/furniture to have a new sober environment to live in

  • stayed away from driving near any of my hang out places for the first month - including changing grocery stores

  • told my good friends how to walk me through NOT taking a drink (note: I learned here that you have to wait 30 min, etc)

… and most importantly - like everyone has said: read all you can here, track time, journal, reach out to people

I wouldn’t be sober without this app and the people here !

Proud to say I’m still doing the same things I posted about 2 years ago in this same thread :smiley: (down to weekly group therapy and every other week individual therapy, psychiatric medication management every 3 months, same AA involvement but now do Al-Anon regularly also used to do regular NA in addition and still count myself in NA fellowship many good friends and memories). The one thing that has changed has been my active involvement on this site as in person connections became more salient and my schedule became busier as I got back into work and my education. These resources are still working for me. 4.5 years of recovery so far without return to alcohol or other substance use (nicotine and caffeine only). Planning to keep doing what works!


I never went to meetings. I’ve always been determined from the beginning to remain sober. That being said, early on I used hiking to keep myself busy on the weekends and I spent a lot of time after work walking my dog. I’d hike upwards of 40 miles a weekend. I spent a week on Long Trail and hiked 100 miles. The disconnection from society and all things electronic is healing. Now, I use archery and hunting to keep me busy. Also my fiancée keeps me pretty fucking busy doing housework.

12 step recovery programs have worked for millions. Try opening the Alcoholics Anonymous, Big Book. It works