Best Advice?

My sponsor told me ‘I don’t give a shit how you feel only what you do about it’
From that day on I realised life is not all about me and feelings are just excuses for people like us.


Haha Best-ish, absolutely. I like that! It’s not about being some version of “perfect,” just try to be a good human :blush:

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Ha! This is great! :smile:

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The take I have on it is that addicts and alcoholics (maybe humans in general) tend to not deal with a problem until it causes excessive misery. The corollary was already quoted on this thread “Nothing changes if nothing changes”.


Make yourself dependent on things that make you independent.

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Best advice for me “Don’t make a 5 minute problem last all day” Addicted to the drama :laughing:


I love that!

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I am glad you’re still here with us!

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Success or failure
Both are temporary.


A very good friend of mine said to me: instead of saying to you: stay the way you are, keep on changing. Life is change.

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I’m new here, my first post!!

my friend reminded me my past is for reflection not for residing … saves me beating myself up


I found this profound. It is from “The Daily Stoic”


“If you are defeated once and tell yourself you will overcome, but carry on as before, know in the end you’ll be so ill and weakened that eventually you won’t even notice your mistake and will begin to rationalize your behavior.”—E PICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.18.31

It’s been said that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. Yet that’s exactly what most people do. They tell themselves: Today, I won’t get angry. Today, I won’t gorge myself. But they don’t actually do anything differently. They try the same routine and hope it will work this time. Hope is not a strategy! Failure is a part of life we have little choice over. Learning from failure, on the other hand, is optional. We have to choose to learn. We must consciously opt to do things differently— to tweak and change until we actually get the result we’re after. But that’s hard. Sticking with the same unsuccessful pattern is easy. It doesn’t take any thought or any additional effort, which is probably why most people do it.


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Two pieces of advice that stick with me…

Let go, or be dragged.

Control what you can, your own sobriety. Anyone else’s sobriety is their responsibility.


This is my favourite saying. When I read it one day one here, it hit my core! Great saying Eric :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Hi @Alicat1002 welcome! Great first post, I look forward to hearing more from you :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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“Don’t answer the phone before it rings.”
A.k.a. don’t worry about stuff that hasn’t happened yet (my tendency!).


Show me your friends I’ll show you your future,

My therapist at my treatment center

Change the way you think ! And try not to wonder why or ask why

Always be the best version of yourself, you never know who looks up to you.

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Do something today… that your future self will thank you for

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