Beyond anxiety’s

How to pass day three .and not end up doing day one again ?


… dig deep and keep working through the cravings… have faith it will get easier to manage and remind yourself you’re sick of repeating days 1 to 3. Each day you push through is a victory and helps you feel stronger in saying no.

What also helped me was keeping myself busy, changing up my routine, staying away from people and places that triggered me and rewarding myself with my favourite snacks. Also hitting up meetings and spending alot of time here on the forum helped me alot.

Is it the anxiety that is the main issue for you? I found that while drinking took the edge off anxiety, it was also the cause of my anxiety. I had to learn new healthier strategies in dealing with my anxiety and over time the anxiety became more manageable and now is no longer much of an issue…

There are some helpful threads that also discuss anxiety in recovery, they can be found via the search icon at the top

Being at day 3, your body will still be detoxing and adjusting to no alcohol, treat yourself gently and keep taking it one hour, one day at a time.


Im pregnant and I’m killing us both smh I pray everyday this just how I feel I know it’s pretty sick as a woman and it feel better to talk about my self in reality because this is something I always wanted and I lost it last year so now that it’s happened again I’m in denial I’m in a fairytale that it’s not true I’m not using everyday all day but that once or twice a week is death to me and my son

And it’s so hard to control I congratulate myself for going to so long one week two weeks then boom day one, of just constantly self Criticizing myself into being a better person and mother but the moment I’m pissed off or feeling down about something that involves myself I’m bitter and back to someone I’ve been for 7+ years

Thank you for not judging me, it’s harder to be in person and admit something like this to someone. I’ve just now became able to be behind this computer screen and admit it to someone. I’ve missed a couple dr appointments in shame I’m not looking for sympathy but I need to just talk and I’m glad for any response I know some will be more critical than others so I thank you for give me motivation. Sometimes i feel that’s all I need and I feel bad for feeling like that because only I’ll be the blame if anything happens, not the fact I was looking for comfort and motivational speeches to keep me sober

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No matter what or who our motivators are to quit a substance, it is extremely difficult to do it alone. Although you are filled with shame and embarrassment, I would suggest reaching out to your GP or midwife - trust me, the guilty and shame you may feel from doing this is a hell of alot less than what you may potentially be feeling if you or your babies health is compromised from continuing to use…
I unexpectedly fell pregnant almost 6 years ago and at the time, was drinking out of control. I tried to stop on my own but was constantly failing. I ended up coming clean with my GP and midwife and I was referred to counselling with AODS (Alcohol and other drug services - in Australia) as well as a psychiatrist who specialised in women’s mental health including peri and post natal care. She monitored, supported and worked with me throughout my pregnancy (I ended up being diagnosed with perinatal depression) and post baby support and care was also put into place for me.
The support around me enabled me to quit drinking throughout the remainder of my pregnancy and I will forever feel in debt to the services that helped me through that time.
So, although I know it is SO hard to reach out for in person support, it is so worth it. For me, it took swallowing alot of god damn pride and feeling vulnerable and exposed. But I did do it and you can too x

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