Big shout out

That’s a really well versed post!


@Mno @Lisa07 @SassyRocks @CNevarezN @CaptAZ @aircircle @ifs hope you’re still out there buddy @siand @Lionfish @Eke thank you guys for everything, even if life hinders you from your “duties”


Including @NewPerspective, but I may only tag 10 users


That is very kind of you. It can be challenging personally and sometimes to our sobriety. I think all of us here…members and moderators…do a good job of holding eachother up when needed. And we all need it sometimes.

And in all honesty, so many people come to the forum during such a rough time in their life…we all deserve understanding and hopefully some time to settle in and find their footing. No shame in trying to learn the rules and guidelines. We are all just doing our best.


Yes, this has been an eye opening experience for me and one that is more difficult than anticipated.

And, @anon57836609, thank you Jan :blush:


Thank you for your kind words, Jan. :blush:


We try to rule according to the rules and guidelines. Of course we are all different people and even as moderators we do not always agree on a ruling…but we respect the decision. Sometimes we need further discussions amongst ourselves or a ruling from Robin.

We are all just doing our best. We know the rules can be confusing or vague, but we have done our best to cover various issues and to decide according to the rules in place, not as we wish the rules were.

Again, if there are issues with our moderation or a call on a flag, please bring to Robin or privately to a PM to @moderators, not to the main forum. It’s confusing and causing stress to an already stressed community.


There are many Dutch members here! I so enjoy hearing perspectives from our various members all over the world.


Dont we all know moderation sucks n dont work… Jkkkkk. :grin:


That’s not a fair statement. You came here with some time under your belt whereas most people come here on their day one and are feeling very vulnerable. Of course they’re going to have triggers very early in recovery and I think we should all make them feel welcome instead of scaring them away with controversy. We also have to keep in mind that there are people that haven’t joined yet and only reading posts.


I don’t know what the hell happened, but it’s a major drinking holiday in the US. Very hard time for people trying to get and some to stay sober. This crap is getting childish. Also, it’s absolutely no one’s place to decide what’s beneficial to one’s recovery, ie controversy. Give me a break. Quit posting memes/pics that could be against forum guidelines just to stir shit up. This is a sobriety forum. Moderators have a life and the pot stirrers need to get one.


Maybe it would help people if they seen your guidelines?

Inappropriate Content

Note: On most forums inappropriate content is rare.

Discourse allows all users to help keep the forums clean, appropriate, and on-topic via the Flag system. When a topic or post is seen that does not belong, users and moderators can flag it for review.


Flags can be your best friend or the entrance to a rabbit hole. When a user doesn’t like a post, they can choose to flag it for moderators. The flag dialog has 5 options: message user (does not cause a flag, simply opens up the PM dialog), off-topic, inappropriate, spam, and something else. Off-topic, inappropriate, and spam simply cast a flag, and the user is done. Something else allows for a custom message and then casts the flag. Once a flag is in the queue, moderators will see a red notification on the hamburger menu and can open the flag queue.

Handling Flags

There are 4 options for handling flags: Agree, Disagree, Ignore, and Delete.

Agreeing with a flag signals that you confirm the post is off-topic (or spam, or inappropriate, or …) When you agree with a flag a dropdown menu will open giving you options for how to handle the post and its creator.

If a flag has caused a post to be hidden, the Disagree button will have the text ‘Disagree and Restore Post.’ Clicking either Disagree, or ‘Disagree and Restore Post’ button will remove the flag from the post. If the post has been hidden, the Disagree option will unhide the post.

When a flag is Ignored, the flag will stay in place, but the flag will be removed from the Pending flags list in the Review Queue. If a flag that has been ignored has caused a post to be hidden, the post will remain hidden. Posts that are hidden for more than 30 days are automatically deleted. You can search for ignored flags on the Review page by selecting ‘Ignored’ from the Status dropdown menu.

Clicking the Delete button for a post in the Review Queue will cause the post to be deleted. You will be given two options when you select the Delete option. ‘Delete Post and Ignore’ will remove the post, but not penalize its creator with the flag. ‘Delete Post and Agree’ will delete the post and penalize its creator with the flag.

Note that resolving a flag with a custom message will automatically generate a PM to the user who flagged the post. If you pressed “Ignore” or “Disagree”, they will get a reply with “Thanks for letting us know. We’re looking into it.”. If you “Agree” with a custom flag, the message will instead say “Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue with the post and are looking into it.” There is also a third version of this message for when the post was deleted.

Posts with 3 flags will be automatically hidden without waiting for moderator action.


Edited to add: you listed info from Discourse, specific to moderation and flags, not specific to members responsibilities or the rules and guidelines for members of TS. Moderators in this app follow guidelines set forth by Robin.

When new people sign up to join this forum, the Talking Sober Rules are globally pinned to the top of all categories, so they will see them and have a chance to review and become familiar with our rules.

Additionally, we post the link frequently…and we often include the link when people are flagged…

Also, there is an FAQ that can be found by selecting the 3 lines, then FAQ. Together these two documents outline our rules of behavior and conduct for our forum.

Please keep in mind, as stated in the FAQ, In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time.


That’s very kind of you to say @anon57836609. I view this as a sort of civic duty and take it very seriously. Everyone who is coming on here, old and new are real people with real issues and they just want to turn their lives around for the better. It’s an honor Moderating this wonderful Forum.


You’re so spot on!!!

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I think most of us know how the outside world works. Triggers are everywhere, all the time. Coming to a SOBRIETY forum, you’d think this would be at least a semi-safe place. I don’t need anyone here tough loving me into being something more.

Anyways, thank you mods for your effort. Hands down, you’re a great crew.


I still stand by this post despite having been muted for a week, the moderators rock :grinning:


Welcome back!!


Thanks Sassy :smiley:

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Bumping this thread as the moderators remained patient with me whilst I was being quite a dick. I don’t think I’d be able to keep my composure facing me :grimacing: