Binging sweets

I literally am craving sweets to the most ridiculous intensity. Everyone I’ve talked to is telling me it’s normal. But I honestly think what I’m doing it’s above normal lol. It’s like my only comfort right now during all this stress. I was literally excited to come home from work and eat a donut waiting for me.
Never enough sugar. If there are sweets available, I am consuming them.
How in the hell do I curb this.
I feel like I’ve already lit up my addictive receptors and I’m going to have to hit rock bottom with foods.


Now I want a donut! Lol


It isn’t “normal” - but neither was the quantity of booze most of us consumed. Our neurotransmitters want what they want when they want it; they are no longer getting the fix of alcohol, so they scream for the next best chemical response - that provided by sugar.

I just indulged it for about six months. I figured it had to be better than the booze. Then I switched to Halo Top ice cream. High protein, low calorie. Now I try to keep it to fruit, but man - sometimes that Moose Tracks ice cream is a cruel mistress.

So yeah…it isn’t normal for normies, but for us? Pretty spot on. It gets better…


I’m almost six months and still freak if I don’t have cookies or a cupcake in the fridge for when I get home. It is normal bc your body is craving the sugar…I always say if it keeps you away from the bottle, keep doing it. I then started going to the gym and the only thing that curbed my sugar intake was seeing the weight loss and how good I started looking AND feeling. The cravings have not ceased AT ALL and I still eat candy and treats like it’s my job but I remind myself by looking in the mirror that I can’t eat the whole bag lol. Hope that helps


My father was also an alcoholic, quit completely on his own at 70 yrs old. He had a large desk drawer filles with Milano cookies, M&Ms and many other sweets. My kids loved Papaw, lol!


I feel like a grandma because I always have candy in my purse lol


Hey @Fj007 have you tried any of the sparkling waters going around recently? They’ve become sort of a fad I’ve noticed. I personally love lacroix, and since drinking it instead of anything sugary, I’ve developed a taste for its sharp carbonated a sense of sugar. Might be a good stepping stone to decreasing a sweet tooth!


I drink those while I shovel sugar in my mouth :joy:


I think I eated loads of sugar the first 9 months or so. Tried to tapering it down when I was 8 months sober or so.
Since 1 months I can say I hardly eat any sugar. Less craving is also less sugar for me! :tada:


I too crave and binge on sweets, have had a lot of weight gain and I battle with that emotionally. I just try to remind myself that excersize and diet will help, not drugs so until my cravings for meth discontinue I will be binging.


:joy::joy::joy: Me too.

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I tell myself it’s for my kid. Well, I lie to myself.
Honestly, I think it’s pretty common. Don’t have any advice on how to battle it (I too am struggling).
My late father had sugar binges after alcohol binges, but he was lucky enough not to gain much weight and lose it in a couple of days (literally).

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The body converts alcohol to sugar, which causes a spike in blood sugar levels, Kane-Davidson says. When alcoholics quit drinking, their blood sugar levels drop, and they develop sugar cravings

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Yes I’m well aware of this phenomenon. But this is far passed a sugar craving. I have a full blown addiction to sugar now. I cannot go a whole day without dessert.