Birthday bar hopping..sober

So last night me my husband and some friends went bar hopping for his birthday.My husband has always been the d.d. 98% of the I figured I am staying sober anyway so this is my chance to return the favor and give the designated driver.
It was definitely fun…until I started noticing how sloppy everyone was getting and slurring their speech.It literally makes you dummer…
Guys I drank for so many years that while some of you might be like yeah silly…All of this observing is pretty new to me.
I mean maybe a few times I wished I had a drink so that I could loosen up and dance since I’m pretty shy when I’m sober.but other than that I was fine.
I was happy everyone was having a good time…
My husband had a really really bad hangover and I actually woke up with a little headache but it wasn’t from drinking…it was from being tired.
I was so thankful that I didn’t have one.I also am able to take care of him.The good part is this is maybe once or twice a year that he drinks to get drunk.
Side note…I realized seeing him this way wasn’t nearly as bad as I was when I drink. That made me sad.& happy that I am sober.
Anyway if you must be out with friends, I suggest getting sprite, Shirley Temple, or a water until you feel comfortable. Fact is they will start drinking and not even care.Also offer to be the designated driver.


Well done @Restlesssoul. Your did very well indeed. I had an hour wobble today. 7. 30pm here in UK. Slight craving but got through it. You mention hangovers. I quite agree. Had my last hangover Tuesday and took 2 days to get over it. Did my 5k parkrun race and new personal best. If I trained and stayed sober… lol. Spent day alone and not drunk so happy. Keep strong

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@Tim thanks !
That’s awesome doing runs are so fun!I’m not really good at running but I’ve done a few.
Hangovers are the worst, I feel so bad for our body’s because we are like " this feels great!don’t worry you won’t feel like crap tomorrow " -said the alcohol.Its a liar . Lol
Glad you stayed sober, even by yourself. Not sure how you used to drink but for me I enjoyed drinking alone.Sad but the truth

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I self medicated from 2002 after a split and never stopped. I lived alone then and have done since. But drinking doesn’t do anything to solve issues and now the hangovers are so bad i cant do it. Drinking alone became a habit. A way of blocking out being alone. But it didn’t resolve it and I felt worse in the morning. Temptation is there but don’t wanna go back to square one. This app definitely helps :blush:

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@Tim this app definitely helps.Its nice to have other people there to support you who understand & to be able to talk about real stuff we go through.

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I fully understand your comments,…I to took a look from the outside in and realized what I acted like. Eye opening.


I also went out last night to a Halloween thing in my neighbourhood. Where I live is a bit of a Nightlife area with lots of backpackers etc. I noticed how unattractive drunk people are, even the not so drunk ones. I usually wasn’t one of the not so drunk ones…
And i felt like not being sober gave me a different kind of buzz, it was quite interesting.


I can completely relate to this post. Going out sober for sure gives you a different perspective. I did this on a few occasions, but would end up leaving early because I would get so irritated with people.


Hi guys. I went out in July to a friends leaving do. Everyone was steaming and the noise was sooooo loud. People shouting. I had two pints of coke and went home to my black lab. Funny how I chewed the coke. 2 pints is hard to drink. Yetc we used to neck loads of booze. As I write my friend has just told me he’s in London having had 10 pints and his girlfriend has locked him out… sounds a really exciting way to spend Saturday night

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@alexmel Its hard not to go out, how old are you? Cause Im 25 and I have alot of energy still left to want to be a part of all festivities haha
It totally gives you a different perspective…everything is fun at first when people drink then they get tired, and then they get physically sick…its insane and if I had never tried alcohol before and known the way it feels in the beginning I’d think everyone was a bunch of lunatics hahaha

@Lvng1dayatatime1 lol I forsure have gotten irritated. I notice that every time I’ve went out there is always a drunk girl bumping into me with no apologies (I’ve totally been that drunk girl) and I get so pissed but have to choose to ignore it.Also there is always someone fighting or wanting to fight.Last night this man wanted to fight all the bouncers telling them they are done in this town, and I wanted to laugh because we were out in kind of a prissy town.
He ended up getting arrested.

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@Tim you have a black lab???aww that was my second dog growing up.They are amazing.Im sure your dog was happy you were home. Yeah I drink a crap ton of Shirley Temples just to have something in my hands while I’m out.All the sudden I have a headache from it too lol hey if you gotta drink some coke then you gotta drink some coke
Yikes your friend sounds like they had a rough night

I’m 38, I still like going out! But yeah probably not like a 25 year old, I quite appreciate my bed too!

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@alexmel I will say I don’t do it every weekend like I was when I was drinking. However I enjoy being around people , I’m not sure that will go away seeing as my parents are 55 and still get out of the house really often lol