Bored at work today and

A bit afraid to go home. Fridayafternoon was a perfect excuse to open anew bottle of wine :frowning:

You have to turn on your heel and literally force your hand on this one…whoa boy do I get this. Friday = booze o’clock.

Plan it out now while you still can.


It helps knowing I am not alone in this feeling.

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Make a plan to go to a meeting or meet a friend for coffee. Change your routine a little.


Made an appointment with a friend for coffee! Today 17 days sober Tomorrow 18 oh yes. Thanks :heart:


Um…have you ever watched mad Men?

I work in alcohol.

A bottle of wine was a single serving.

Then I discovered the family size 1.5 litre.

Then that became a serving.

Then it wasn’t weekends anymore. It happened every day. I drank every day and covered up my hangovers with weed. Then…we’ll…I’m a bit addicted and I know one drink is too much and 10 is not enough.

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A bottle a day was normal for me. No problem. In fact empty before I knew it, in the weekends more

And yes I know Mad Man… I do miss the smoking everywhere :joy::joy: