Bradycardia after meth use

Has any other meth abuser developed bradycardia AFTER quitting? How long did it last?

The fuck is that??

Either too slow heart rhythm or too fast. Thinking slow.

Yes my heart would pound. It went away after a month or two

Correct. Bradycardia is slower than normal heart rhythm, tachycardia is faster than normal.

Ever think you may be just experiencing withdrawl? You body tries to recover by doing such things… Its too early to tell if this is a chronic issue or not. Atleast detox a month or two before freakin out over health concerns… Focus on staying sober instead…if u really think u have an issue go to a doctor or ER

Yeah, I’ve been clean a little over a year. I was able to get off of 13 different meds…Now they find slow and irregular heartbeats causing chest pains. Dr. Says it happens to long term speed users and can be fatal long after withdrawl and may not even show up for years after recovery. The damage we do with drugs can be delayed onset…I’m just wondering if anyone else out there had this and if it went away or they needed a pacemaker.

My uncle has a pacemaker as a result of long term coke use

And speedballing

How much a day and for how long were you using meth for? Also smoking or iv ?

Welcome to the community @Will_Milmine. Just to let you know this thread is a good few months old. You can see when the comments were posted in the top right corner of the post. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah people who promote cannabis should be mindful, excess cannabis use lead to me experiencing this and chest pains. Among other things. Quite scary.