Can't do it

I can’t do it. All I want to do is sit down and relax with a glass of wine. This is the first time that I have completely tried to quit drinking. It’s almost like I haven’t decided to quit 100%. I don’t know if I need to, or even want to. I just know that it’s gotten out of control. I’m on day four. I have avoided several social situations that might make me want to drink. I feel like a fragile broken weirdo.I just can’t trust myself to only have one drink. I know if I get the opportunity I’ll drink too much again, and that will lead to me drinking during the day. I can’t do that again. I fucked up big time, I just don’t know what to do.


Thank you for sharing @Leya congrats on 4 days ! Try to focus on anything else some good things you like to do . Not easy i know that . Call a friend or do something With your family, do something. I hope u continue this path. Stick to the choice , maybe meditation helps me . Anything but not drinking. Hold on to your willingness… fingers crossed for you

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Everytime i drink i end up in the same position so i can definitely relate to what you’re saying. If possible, try to find an AA meeting somewhere near you. Im on day 12 and I’ve been everyday. It may seem strange at first but there will people there you can relate to and it helps tons plus its free :slight_smile: . I still want to drink but going helps keep everything in perspective and me on track. Congrats on your sobriety so far. Wish you the best :slight_smile:

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Hello to you and thank you for your honesty. Getting sober is not easy, but it can help if you get out and try an AA meeting. I’m 13 days in and I’ve meet some awesome women who call or text me and say hey, let’s meet up at this meeting tonight. I know for me that holds me accountable not to drink, At least till I get to the meeting.

Once I get there, I listen to others and sometimes I hear something that I need to hear at that moment. Please give meetings a try. It might seem different at first but you can do it. Get At least one women’s phone # and please, please use it.

Try not to give up. Cause we know what happens when we drink. Lets see what happens when we stay sober.
Thanks. :blush:

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Meetings do works, keep comming back :slight_smile: in there hope will be found

United we stand !!! Its a power stronger than myself

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You CAN do it! Stay positive and tell yourself you CAN! Self talk is really important and will change your inner conflict. It’s hard to say no to a drink when you have already told your brain it can’t. Stay strong, you can do this!

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@Leya… it’s the one drink.
1 is too many. 10 is not enough.
Try and substitute the relaxed feeling with a ton of other ways to unwind. Hot tea, a good bath. Get buried in some good music♡ or anything really…exercise …break the wine glasses. That first one is poison.

Right there with you.

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look my friend … now you reached the point to choose from ONLY 2 options … either you will continue your life an alcoholic … no success at all … feeling down most of the times … or you will pass the hard period of being sober and continue your life WAY stronger than you were before quitting … your life … your choice :slight_smile: my guess … you will successfully quit :slight_smile:


I am finally realising that I can never just have one drink. It has to be nothing at all. This is extremely difficult at the time of year and with everyone trying persuade you. Got to be strong and realize that I will never be able to be the person who only has one drink and can stop. I have done 40 days sober then my partner buys me a wine saying that I have done well and that I can’t possibly go through the rest of my life without drinking… That was not helpful as I have now had to reset sobriety counter 3 times ashamed of my self and got wasted last night and made a fool of myself I front of my family.
You are not on your own we just need to take control and not give into temptation

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I think breaking the wine glasses is an amazing idea!! Just need to remember alcohol is poison!
Also I hate shopping at this time of year as even shops have stupid quote signs everywhere trivializing drinking!! Not good when you struggle not to think about wine


Great replies here and so heartening were in it together. I did 3 months and the longer I went the more I didn’t want to lose those days. Get to a week and see how you go. If you’re here to my mind you want to do it. Again… not easy but what have you got to lose? You know how one way will end and you’ve given that a go… onever day at a time. Be strong and go for it!

Thats so hard, I feel you! But for me a glass of wine turns into two bottles. The hangover now lasts for days and then the cycle continues for weeks! But we are doing the right thing by checking in here before picking up the bottle! YOU CAN do it! You have a community of people who understand how difficult it is and who are here to support you! We can do it together.


I get exactly how you feel. I drank about a bottle of wine everyday for 10 years. One day, I just couldn’t take the depression, hangovers, anxiety and obsessions anymore and I checked myself into a 21 day treatment. The detox meds helped a lot for the first 5 days. After about 2 weeks, I felt dramatically better. I’m at 41 days now and it honestly gets much easier. One day at a time. Just get thru today. I find journaling and getting to meetings helps a lot. I also read the big book every night till I fell asleep. The tools will help you stay sober and be happy with your decision.