Can't stop stealing shit!

Was he stealing sheilding?

yikes! Always too paranoid to steal from work too…

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Yeah it’s the adrenaline and I like free expensive stuff.

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This has been deleted.

Thank you so very much for bringing up this topic.
I thought that I am the only crazy one who Steel’s when I am emotionally drunk.
I guess we all share the same problems. I really appreciate that people come out with what they have done and I feel that I am not the only crazy one, I am not crazy I am a addict.


I know what its like to steal i did it for a year + what i was in addiction and not untill i came to Christ did i trully feel freedom from this sinfull addiction it was part of me untill i admitted that im wrong and turned to the Only one who could take it away where it was trully not a part of me anymore the scripture says (John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.) I didnt fully understand what it ment untill i tried and prayed and simply dicided i need help from Him.

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haha yeah exactly

Well @anon53189373 & @Yoda-Stevie I went back to the scene of the crime and slipped it back. Then turned right around and bought the exact same one! Haha (thank god I did not get arrested) whew :anguished: I don’t feel much different, but I know I did the right thing, and I didn’t steal anything else!


Hi, I own a small family business. Stealing is never a good idea, but I hope if you do, it’s never from small, independent businesses. When we have been robbed, it comes directly out of our kids’ mouths. Once we were victims of credit card fraud in the amount of $1700, and it almost put us out of business, because we were out the money and the goods. But even the small thefts just really hurt. It’s personal because we use the sale of goods to put food on the table. So, I think it’s good that you are ready to change this habit! I’m not judging you, (when I was a teenager I shoplifted too), I’m just representing the voice of small biz. Maybe mail it back? You are clearly working hard on yourself right now, and becoming a person you want to be. It’s going to feel so good to change our old worn out paths.

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Yeah in the thick of my drunkenness I’m pretty sure my depraved mind was no respector of persons. I am an addict. But I’d rather not steal from ANYONE! First of all its wrong. And second I def don’t want to go through the anxiety of feeling convicted/putting things back/risking getting caught ever again! I think it’s safe to say my thieving days are over. :blush:


I think it’s great that your conscience got you and your guns bring it back. BTW, have you done that yet? How’d you feel? I used to steal earrings. Weird thing is, I don’t wear earrings, or jewelry for that matter. IDK what it was about.

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Definitely a good thing!

Yeah, the behaviors we grew accustomed to before…SODH…

But the amazing this is choosing to do an about -face, own it, and make amends. Nice going+

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I did bring it back! Left a note in the box saying sorry, that I was a recovering alcoholic trying to change my ways. Then turned around and bought the exact same perfume! Haha
It felt relieving, that’s for sure. Both to do the right thing and also to not get caught! Lol there have been a couple other instances since then that I have had the passing thought to lift something and I catch myself and think, " there’s no way I want to go through that again. And that’s not who I am anymore". It def feels good to be living a little more authentically every day.


Omg I am so glad u mentioned this. My story is a wee bit different as i did it because of the rush. It gave me such an adrenaline rush tryna nick things that i was almost stealing everytime i was going into stores. Not even for stuff i need. Just to take things. Ive also never been caught but recently I’ve started having feelings of wanting to go in and steal something but i already have the insight that its just another drug…and God has given me the conviction not to do it. So I sometimes feel trapped by my conscience. But I definitely get u on this. I thought i was alone. Ive never really admitted to people ive done that. So glad u were brave enough to share that!! :heart::heart:


Haha that’s awesome! They’re adorable!

So glad I’m not alone too! Def the rush, getting something free, the habit and second nature of it…either way I’m glad to be done with it! Getting it all in the light has been so freeing! I’m tellin on myself left and right! Lol

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@Rosey do u think its a bit to so with convictions from the holy spirit?

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Oh 100% it is!