Carb/sugar addicts

The protein brand I was having had only 4-5g of carbs per bar, so they weren’t much. But thank you so much for the suggestion :slight_smile:

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I have OCD (as said above) so I get obsessive if I start looking at numbers, but it’s good to know that 20-50g’s is good.
Yeah, I don’t mind if I have the occasional sugarfree treat (like my husband and I found a new protein bar today and decided to give it ago… it was awful :confused: ) but for the most part, cutting them out has been so helpful. And honestly, now that I’ve stopped consuming them regularly, I don’t even miss them.
It makes a lot of sense that the extra calories trick your body into thinking one thing, then when the body doesn’t get the reaction it hoped for it craves. Some interesting facts though, thanks :slight_smile: I’m a nerd for this stuff too. I’ve learnt so much since learning about low carb 3 odd years ago. I just wish I had of had the motivation to continuously stick to it lol
I imagine it’s been quite hard. I’m not sure how I’m going to go with seeing myself in a new way. As I said before, I’ve been overweight since my early teens, so it’s going to be new for sure. And yeah, my goal is to make my 30’s (and ideally the rest of my life) as healthy as possible. Thank you for the motivation :slight_smile:

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Well I made it 4.5 days on a low carb meal plan before I caved last night and had Chinese food. Poor planning on my part led to this. Plus I justified all the reasons why I could eat the rice and the egg roll. It’s just like I used to justify drinking. Crazy how my addict brain works. Back on track today. Trying to take it one day at a time.

That’s all you can really do :slight_smile: Take things one day at a time. Forgive yourself if you fall off, but make sure to get straight back on ASAP. Good luck :slight_smile:

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