Checking in! 9 months

I’m 9 months sober next week!!! I haven’t been on this app in a long time. I’m considering going to meetings which I haven’t done yet.ive basically done this all on my own. Even started the gym and lost 40 pounds. The gym really helped me through. Do you guys think I should do meetings or since I got this far on my own… I don’t need them?


Congratulations on your almost nine moths. That’s great!!

I didn’t go to meetings til almost 3 years. I wanted more for my sobriety. Now that I found a couple I like, I go them regularly. It’s nice. It felt weird at first. Like I was doing it ass backwards. But like someone told me at a meeting. It doesn’t matter how we get sober. The 3rd tradition states the only requirement for membership is the desire to not drink today.

I started with speaker meetings. I love a good speaker meeting. If you get the AA app you can filter in the kind of meeting you might like to try. What have you got to loose? It’s nice being around people that understand and I do learn something and feel better after.

Congratulations again on your sober time.


Thank you! Ok I think you have convinced me. Ill go check out the app.

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Great to see you posting your 9 month milestone :muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada:

Excellent that you have come this far on your own and have also adopted healthy routinea along the way.

I rely heavily on this community for my support. I do think it’s necessary to have support on our journey. Life is full of triggers and we never know when one will hit and it’s good to have a solid support system in place to help us through it.

This support can be from AA meetings, other recovery meetings, a sponsor or just daily connecting with your fellows here on this forum.

Great work on your 3 months of sobriety :confetti_ball::tada:. Keep putting in the effort and stacking up the days :muscle:t4:


My answer to you is yea check a meeting out see how you feel and well done on 3 months

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Congratulations on your almost 9 months. How are you doing today?