Checking in as often as I have to to NOT RELAPSE!

What if i grew it naturally in my backyard? ;p


I guess its a good indication of addiction when we try to get around the seriousness of drug use and its affects on society as a whole.


Kinda how I feel about porn, be it softcore or hardcore. I won’t sit here and say I’d never watched it, though I wasn’t a regular consumer, and this was before the Internet existed. I won’t say I’d never been to a strip club, but the last time was 17 years ago, for my wife’s brother’s bachelor party.

I will admit to being ambivalent about “sex entertainment” for a lot of years. That started to change when I got saved, but it was the birth of my little girl that really made the difference for me, made me decide if I thought it was “good or bad”.

For me (and this applies only to me, your mileage may vary), there is no way that I can reconcile being a husband and father to a little girl, and a son, (now a man of his own), with consuming porn or going to strip clubs. I read news stories about this or that young woman dying from drugs or beimg beaten or murdered by their significant others, and I am so sad, because their deaths are only newsworthy because of their involvement in the “adult entertainment” industry. I read about this or that “sex trafficking” ring being busted, and think “If they got these badguys, how many are still operating”.

Some folks may not see how all this is connected, or choose not to. I see it. I see every one if these people as someone’s daughter or son, sister or brother…and it gets quite real to me.

Being here and reading about the very real struggles of brothers and sisters trying to be free from porn and lust addictions keeps it real. I pray for them everytime I read a post or comment. They know better than anyone how real it is.

I also recognize what is in my power to do: love, respect, and protect my wife and daughter, and raise my son to do likewise…and don’t support the adult entertainment industry with my eyeballs or my wallet.


Checking in for today! Finding it much easier to get into my assignments without the consequences of smoking bud! It’s great motivation to stay sober. I’m learning so so much. I cant wait to get qualified and being sober is gna helo me achieve that goal. YAY GETTING MY SHIIIIIT TOGETHER FINALLY!


5 days?! hell yah


Boom ! Pow ! Wham ! Baterry charging :slight_smile:

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Baaaaaaahahaha im having a quick study break. Studies right through my usual 4.20 session hunt lol BOOM! This made me laugh heaps haha cause its a cute lol possum hanging out forna hug or fist pumping hahaha

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Checking in at 7 days 28 minutes :slight_smile: Yay first full week again. This time was not as hard as i remember. I got a massive craving earlier…those pay day vibes…but I bought some sugar free marshmallows instead and ate to my hearts content. May have the runs tomorrow hahaha but they will be sober runs!! Woop woop. Studied all the way through my usual sesh time again. Felt good! Yay me! Thanks everyone for all the support! #liveThatSoberLife!


Run marshmallow , run !!! :slight_smile:

Its awesome to be sober :slight_smile:

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I had a dream i had the runs in my sleep i was so paranoid haha it actually says on the back dont eat too many or it has a laxative affect hahaha so funny. But I’m good by the looks hahahahaha and yes being sober is the shiznit! How are you doing?

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Hahahaahahahah, laughing my ass… My mind is prone to visualizing everything in an instant …

I am feeling like s#&t but somehow positive, well digested,no tears on the seat s#&t.
Getting in some unecessary arguments with my mom and gf, now that i am staying sober they dont have anything to complaim about so they make dramaaaaaa. I bloody hate drama. :slight_smile:


Yeeeeeah ive seen a few ppl with those sorts of issues. When me and my bf decided to get sober it was real tough to start cause we only ever knew eavh other on drugs lol now we motivate eavh other to stay sober its hes a. I couldn’t handle drama haha


Sounds like you learned some great skills. What is a Legacy meeting?

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It’s a woman’s group here in an that focuses on the root problems that influence our decisions. It’s organised through a church but its not a church group. Was great! I dont know if they have anything like that in other countries

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I agree, when weed was completely illegal, all of those things did happen, but not while it’s legalized, I am not making this opinion for other dugs, but I blame government propaganda and agenda on the results of most of the suffering and useless incarcerations because of pot, not putting into account gangs seling it, and robbing people,that’s a whole different thing that needs to be addressed. I could go on, but I dont want to make it seem like I’m encouraging people to smoke weed,that’s not my point here, but I do see the medicinal properties of marijuana for people who need it, as opposed to big pharmas agenda and how they are in bed with the government.

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I am all for medicinal use of Cannibis. Medicinal use is not the same as recreational use. And I still disagree with the recreational use of it even if its legalised. Alcohol is legal too. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its problems. I take the same view on Cannibis. People know the law and if they risking jail and criminal records to smoke some bud its an indication of a problem. The system has alotta flaws and faults. But if people are using substances, no matter what they are, when they know the negative consequences, it means theres a problem. Full stop. That’s just my view.


Hiiiiiii :wink::wink: Checking in at 8 days 2 hours. Yussssss another day of successful study learning about Animal Biology. Submitted my 3rd assignment!! Can’t believe im on track. I would NEVER have had the mental capacity to even undertake this while consumed by my addiction. Both the lack of fatigue and the mind numbing “Daaaaaaaaah!” feeling seems to be the root of my motivation. I feel so much more aware and with it. I’m actually learning and taking things in. Here’s hoping for some good grades. Sober life is definitely the driving force in working for more in life than just a session. Yay yay yay!!! Thank God for the amazing support here and yet another sober day! Woop!! :smile::smile::smile:


Got this tee shirt when i was in Greece and when i say it in my Scottish accent it sounds great