Checking in as often as I have to to NOT RELAPSE!

Thanks everyone for cheering from the side lines! Makes me feel so supported! Much love :heart_eyes::yum::heart_eyes:


This is great news!!! Keep it up :blush:


Checking in at 17days 1hour 56minutes! THREE DAYS AWAY FROM MY RECORD! I actually cant wait! I’ve been doing some Christian meditations and they have been sooooo helpful! Even if you opt for a non Christian meditation, its definitely something i would reccommend. Getting in touch with your body, mind and for me spirit, has helped me stay in control. It’s helped me to acknowledge how Im feeling without feeling compelled to do something about it. Okay I want a session…so what I dont have to act on it. Okay I feel sad…so what I dont have to get high…im bored i feel like something exciting…so what I dont have to drink…i don’t have to give in just because I “feel” like it. It’s not a good enough reason! Feel like my greatest gift from God is my right to choose. The most precious thing I have. Choice. And I choose sobriety! Thanking God for choice. Amen🕇


You’re doing amazing! Keep up the great Work! :purple_heart:


That is awesome ! Never heard about Cristian meditation.

yeah me neither. @Swam tell us more…?

I just YouTubed KJV Christian Meditations. There are quite a few topics you can pick from i listen to the ones I like, at least one every day. I try doing it at the start of the day to get me focussed on what God wants from me and im finding the more i push into Him and the more I learn and the more I read and meditate on His Word the less i think about getting high. It barely crosses my mind at this point. Realising His love and understanding he has my back no matter what has given me so much comfort and completely changed how I view myself in the world. I have no doubts those temptations will come throughout life especially as i turn to God more and more, but i feel way more prepared. It gets me in touch wih myself and God and His will for me. It’s EPIC!


REFLECTION: My intuition was right, I am an alcoholic, I do need meditation, prayer time with my higher power, AA meetings AND helping others when I can.
21 DAYS SOBER NOW…seems like a month or even 1/2 a year. Weird, but soooo good to wake up knowing what I did the night before, not feeling ashamed, not having a hangover to get over, etc…People sobriety has been wonderful to me in my SHORT 21 day journey and I have to give thanks to all avenues and this forum is DEFINITELY helpful!!!
Hope all you BEAUTIFUL people have a fulfilling Saturday and weekend ahead!!!:four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


Can I check in here too??? I’m kinda of struggling right now. Day 1 for me. Going on day two.


@Betterbee42 ofcourse u can! Check in as often as U need to. Even if its every 5 minutes. It’s really helped me and i reached my new record ever of 3 weeks yesterday! U got this!!! How are u feeling today?


Alright then :smile::smile::smile::blush::blush::blush: day 3!!! Just got all my stuff from my ex boyfriends and I’m sorting through it all! I’ve been up and down all day!!! But I’m going to hold my 24 hour chip in my hand and pray for all of these crazy feelings to pass. I know I can do this!!! We all can!!!


Im glad that u did this !! AWESOME


Also struggling a lot lately. Day 16 today. Very little physical withdrawal symptoms but mentally I am going nuts. Bad sleep, anxiety and crying a lot lately. So happy to have this community. Without you guys I would never have made it through this day. (Lucky me it’s already 10 pm here :blush:) trying to find some sleep soon.


I love you guys cries in the corner sorry lol


It will get better im sure of it , have faith :slight_smile: i had a hard time at my early recovery too. My past hunted me , the guilt and shame was almost to much. I had no choice than to start listening to very few dedicated helpers. Rehab and AA was and is My saviours. . Give it time and yes im happy i found this incredible Forum with Only loving people :heart:


Crying ain’t no Shame :vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute:


Hey. Today’s been weird. I’m not gonna drink. I’ve thought about it tho. I’m tired. Having some pms (poor me syndrome) symptoms today. Oy.


Hey everyone all i can say is do whatever u need to do to ride out those waves. I once said i was going so crazy i was pulling my hair out and someone said to me ud be much better off sober and bald hehe its always stuck with me. If u have to cry cry. Go for walks. Paint. Draw. Do jumping jacks. Do sit ups. Walk round and round in circles if u have to. Ride the wave. It will not be easy. But no one promised it would be. We only got promised itll be worth it. And it so will!! Keep at it. Chin up like little sobriety soldiers! Never give up on yourselves because YOU ARE WORTH IT!! Much love peeps! God bless! 🕇


Checking in. Getting scared. My bosses (also ex boyfriend’s parents) are having company over. They’re young and normal and college students and I don’t want to get caught in between the middle of like them drinking? Feel like I’ve overstayed my welcome? They said it was fine but I’m still worried.

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Remember no matter what until the very second u actually act on your cravings it is not to late to choose the right thing. It is a stressful situation and very high risk so do the best u can and if u need time by urself away from everyone, do that. Remember its never too late to make the right choices. Stay strong! My prayers are with u!