Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

Thank you maria… im still waiting die an o.r. . Its the corona and an official sunday today in figuren of speach couse of the celebration that ww2 ended 75 years ago. Freedomday

They wont forget me and it must be done also couse i’m well over the max # hours that is within the safe part of a bowel obstruction… but the Waiting is d☆mn annoying if they tell you 9 in the morning at first

@Girlinterrupted the dreaming is indeed a good and sober sign. When under influence you might dream but will not recall and the the brain starts up again beïng healthy and kinda reflects all kinds of weird things to give a place to the things and stressy shit that happened in the meanwhile.
You rock ! And you git this… no mather how many times one does fall dont mean shit… hoe often one stands up is whats important !
Proud @ ya and s.o. if needed


Still Waiting for an o.r. but imma gonna rest a bit and let you all know when its done.


Day 7 sober. Still trembling and not confident. Last time I failed on day 10.
Wish you well folks


Day 1
Actually feeling really good this morning. Felt incredible to wake up after a decent sleep and to not feel regret or physically feeling ill. I am so thankful for this group. Everyone is so supportive. It’s nice to see familiar faces and to know that if they can stay sober, I can stay clean. I’m going to do it this time. 1st goal… 1 week. Going to keep busy today with cleaning. Having my coffee 1st while on this group. Going to see about checking in at an online meeting (once I figure out where to find them). And then enjoy the day clean. We all deserve a better life :heart: So proud of all of you for however much time you all have. This isnt easy. But its sooo worth it xo


Day 790. Focusing all energy in a positive direction. Oh and drinking coffee haha have a great morning everyone.


I’m struggling so bad right now.
I know I’m doing what’s best by staying sober…but so much bad shit has happened in the past year and it’s all just HAUNTING me right now.
One second I’m okay…then the next second my head is stuck in a past moment just absolutely tormenting me with the painful memory!


Not sure if it’s any conciliation for you but at least half the world is feeling like you are right now Ingrid. It’s a crazy rollercoaster we’re on. Way too much bad shit had happened and is still happening. Up and down and loop de loop we go and where we’re going nobody knows…For me the only true certainty right now is that drinking or drugging would help me with absolutely nothing. Instead it would stop the up and down for me and turn all this in a descent into a pitch black hole with no escape possible. My sobriety is what keeps me going. No joke. And I think that goes for all of us here. Keep going friend. Sober is the way to be. Hang in there.


I wish I had some sound advice for you Chris. Instead all I can really say is that this feeling WILL go away with time whether you drink or not. Drinking is useless in this situation. Finding healthier coping mechanims might help but don’t ask me what they are. Know that you are not alone. For me that’s a big one. That’s about it. One foot in front of the other. Success.


Thank you so much!

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Hey… Listen… You’re right, this is exactly how you were the last time, and we really much all get to know each other really well on here, because I felt it happening for you. I know you can’t go back and read your before posts, but think back to it. Read your newly sober posts… Are you doing RD right now? Keep reaching out on here. Yell and scream if you have to. I know that you don’t want to drink, but it kills me seeing your inner peace compromised, because it’s so damn beautiful when you have it. Stay strong. Wish I could take the feeling away.


I’m so sorry you’re struggling right now. You’re in the right place, and anything we can do to help, just let us know. Some days just seem unbearable, I’m sorry. Glad you’re here <3

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Thoughts n prayers my friend :pray:t4:

Only cocktail I’m needing. My daily freshly made ginger shot.


Thank you.

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So you know this is that moment, you know this is where it went wrong before so this is very likely your wall. Everything you’ve learnt to this date is to use at this moment, fuck all the tools nows the time to do absolutely nothing, I’ve had days in the past where I know :100: if I leave the house I will buy drink. Grip your chair and rock like a baby if you have to but don’t drink this one last time, it’s time to see what’s on the other side of this feeling. Bath, sleep, curl up in a ball but whatever you do sit this one out, stay on here with us bc nothing can happen while your with us. I’m not going to say be strong, this time you’ve got to be sensible, your doing so well, focus on what you’ve learnt, focus on your truth. To Thine Own Self Be True… and breathe.


Just do one more day with me. @Beardy_McTallman


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I get this, my brain can be a really inhospitable mine field sometimes. I even know where the mines are and I still think it would be different if I stepped on another one. The best way for me to get out of myself is to focus on helping someone somehow, some way. How can I help my wife with her needs, how can I help my son, how is that person I talked to at my meeting last week?. I’m struggling, I bet there’s something I can do to help that relative or friend who’s probably struggling too. It’s not an 11 step program. The 12th is the most imortant but I’ll admit these times do make it more of a challenge to help others. Maybe get on that blog and write about your strategy for when your gas tank is empty at the 11th mile a 12 mile trail run?


Day 23 and I’m very tempted to go downstairs and have a drink. I’m feeling very anxious and would like to blow some steam with a glass of wine or gin. My mind is questioning as to why I need to quit? I don’t black out, get drunk or anything so y not have a glass. It all doesn’t make sense right now