What’s ’big season’ ?
Haha!! I thought you’d meant bear season!
I’m too close to the city for bears. Probably. Maybe.
Awesome! Looks like a nice car. Welcome to the driver’s club!
Day 6. I am so out of it today. I couldn’t find a meeting last night, so I watched an online dharma talk, which I found just as helpful.
I guess I must have slept because I woke up when it was time for me to leave, but still feel like I am drugged. I sat in on my Recovery Dharma while waiting for my tires to replaced, not the same, but I still pulled out some nuggets.
Tonight, I sat in on a Zoom with a local mindfulness recovery meeting, not affiliated with RD or RR. It was cool to know these people reside in a 20 mile radius.
Day 1. I am pretty pissed I decided to ditch my 3-5 cigarettes a day…but reality is I always picked up the 1st smoke with the 1st beer. At that level of smoking, it’s really habit not chemical addiction. I never smoke before 5pm, nor do I want one before then. Pissy as hell, but there is no tobacco in the house.
It is Lake Superior taken from sugarloaf in Marquette, Mi. The area where I live is really beautiful (in the summer😉).
Great job on Day 6!!!
Sorry you are feeling out of it. I am the same way on Day 4. Planning to go to bed early tonight to make sure I feel good on Friday.
Feel better!!
25 days, man! Me Too! Google maps gave me directions to Party City curbside pickup (for a special after surgery gift- another story)only it was not Party City; it was a HUGE liquor store. I did not stop- and I am proud to say I was fully present for my little guy’s post op Recovery.
Feels great, doesn’t it?
47 days for me now. I’m not thinking about drinking booze lately. Sometimes I will pause and think what is missing, and then I will remember that I would have had a drink in hand. ,“oh yeah”
But then I just dismiss the thought. No more poison for this lady! All I think about how great every new sober day is and how much I have to look forward to.
Only rains, or more of drizzles, a lot in the winter. Summers are glorious with little to no rain, long days with sunrises ~ 5 am and sunsets ~10 Pm, rarely gets above mid-80’s with little humidity, surrounded by the Cascade mountains to the east, Olympics to the West, several volcanoes on the horizon, and the sound/lakes all around … but don’t tell anyone that secret
Congrates !! Keep it going.
Day 564. Lots on my mind tonight. Annoying little adult life things but big things too, like “should I go back to school?”. Regardless, all of it needs me sober to handle it properly.
I’m on day 52. Had a ridiculous meeting yesterday. Must have been an inexperienced host got into it with somebody. I don’t think we really know who because we was verbally responding to something in the chat and getting worked up. At one point he said “well maybe you shouldn’t be in recovery” lol. Really poor show but I left the meeting and stayed sober regardless. Time to find some more meetings Just gotta keep up that zoom zoom.
For now I’ll just deal with Friday but sounds like a plan MORNING ALL!
she is trained in the art of small details.
Day 162! Today was actually pretty good, excited for tomorrow.
Day 173…goodmorning! Workday like usual…
But usual wasnt usual for a long time , happy day to everyone
Day 135.
Finally friday! I need some more sleep. Had to get up at 4.45 am all week… but I’m gratefull to have my job!
Talked to my gf about sobriety and alcoholism. She asked why one would keep track of how many day’s they’ve been sober. She didn’t really get why. I explained it though.
I feel keeping track of my sober days helps me to stay sober and on the right path!
Have a good sober friday!
morning mate.