Checking in daily to maintain focus #19

Still very adorable :heart_eyes:
I think is a cute pic.

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Really heartbreaking story. Big hugs

Are you kidding ? I remember EVH really well… decent music was about one of the few things that I liked about high school.

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Hi everyone, just a quick word to say goodnight. I know that I don’t post all that often, but it’s mostly just because I don’t really have much to say that would be of interest or importance.
Still, it does give me a good degree of hope to see the people who have done so well, and also the people who are just getting going… it’s encouraging to see people who are so far ahead of me, and it makes me happy to thing that some new people are (like me) trying to find their way away from their DOC.

At some point, I may put on YouTube or something some of the underwater video that I shot in Greece, in case anyone might like to see it.
Anyway… 56 days. Actually, speaking of underwater video, I realised today that the money that I HAVEN’T spent on alcohol is just about enough to cover the very cool underwater video lights that I recently ordered ! That’s kind of a nice thought… and certainly a much better use for the money !
Goodnight, all.


Would love to see your underwater video and congrats on 56 days :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 18 feeling strong :muscle:


It’s day 24. It’s weird to experience, that I don’t think about drinking constantly, but it also surprises me, that quitting alcohol doesn’t have a significant effect on my coping mechanisms (or rather the lack of them). I mean I used to think, that if I succeeded to quit, it would mean, that I’m ready to face my life. But now I’m feeling, that the desire to escape and hide away still exists in me really intensely. I have to deliberately force myself to live my life. Sobriety gives strength, but I have to dig a lot deeper if I would like to solve my issues.


5 days sober and it has been 5 days with poor sleep and a constant headache. But as I understand from reading in here, that is a normal reaction. Two more days to reach the week milestone :slightly_smiling_face:


Love this! So true!


bloody hell it’s round yours for dinner, my fridge has milk, cheese and chocolate. :open_mouth::thinking:

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welcome, I hope your sitting down bc guess what, it might shock you to find out your not the only one on here, reach out, read plenty and I wish you well on your journey.

Great days :+1:and yeah your right everything your going to feel is exactly how it should be, it’s a small price to pay for a wonderful reward. Well done.

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Thank you! Good to hear that it is as it should be! I was starting to get a bit worried since I normally never have headaches. Now it does not bother me, I am just happy to finally be on my way to a sober life :blush:


Quitting alcohol is only the first step. It is not a cure all for the problems we face. For me the real work started after I put the drink and the drugs down. Almost 3 years later and I still work on these things. Sobriety allows me to do these things. Abstinence is simply not drinking, which wouldn’t have improved my life at all. Recovery, for me, was finding a program of action that allows me to learn how to live a sober life.


Yeah, I knew that it won’t be a solution itself, I just thought, that I will be ready to start that work you’re talking about, but now it seems, that I’m still far away from that.

Today I realised why I’m doing so well. Hand sanitizer, mouthwash and mince pies, who needs to buy beer :thinking:


Great job on the 5 days. :+1: Keep it up. You drinking enough water? Dehydration will do that to ya. I drank a ton of water my first few weeks. Flush out whatever… and keep me hydrated. I also took some really long ass hot showers in the evening even though I shower in the morning. You can do it!! One day at a time.


By quitting using we’re giving ourselves the possibility to work on our issues. Step one is quitting itself. And a big step it is. Step two is recognising the void we tried to fill by using. What did I flee from by using? What exactly is wrong with my life? I think I’m still in that phase. The real work on myself by enlarge must still begin. And a big job it is and will be. it takes time. It ain’t easy. Bloody hard even. But a work of love and totally worth it.


Day 8. Had busy today and it went really well. Getting things done and moving through the day feels so much more fluid; it’s so pleasant. One day at a time though. For me, a good mood can be destructive too so it’s important for me to be extra aware on my good days. :crossed_fingers:


Thank you, it means so much to receive some cheering on and good advice :+1: Just turned on the lights again as it does not seem to be much sleep tonight either (00:30 here right now). I will take your advice and take a hot shower before night time tomorrow. Plenty of water by my side, though :blush: