Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

This is so great to hear, Mel! Sleep is so damn essential to well-being. I look forward to sleeping well again. :zzz:


Day 9. I am feeling less-than-stellar. I typed out a whole whine-fest and backspaced it. Working on giving grace, gratitude, and a positive attitude. I have become someone I donā€™t recognize. I had gotten to the point in my life where I sent a ton of metta, peace, prosperity to those that irritated me or rubbed me the wrong way. I am going to make a conscious effort to do so, whether it comes automatically or not. Actually, someone canā€™t irritate me or rub me the wrong way. I choose for that to happen. I allow it. More days - more clarity.


Checking in day 400 :slight_smile:
Was depressed a lot in the last 3 days. Better today. 400 feels good.
I wish everyone a good day!


Big congrats,so happy you are posting!!!
The first month was a tough one for meā€¦



Welcome to the 400 club!!!


Congrats on 400 days!!


Congrats that is huge.


Itā€™s gorgeous!!!
@Blondie1x super job Sarah!


400 days whoot whoot!!!


On your 30 days. Thatā€™s HUGE!!
And a big welcome to our club.


Checking inā€¦
660 days substance free
17 days super sugar free

I have upped my meditation game. For the last couple years I have been doing Stella style mediation. I have ADD which is not medicated therefor trying to calm my mind feels near impossible most days. Wellā€¦ I am trying harder now. I have made more of an effort to embrace a true spiritual path which includes studying some deities, staying openminded to ideas, making time in my day to connect with my spirituality. Lately I have felt as if something was missing in my life. It is an automatic response for me to search outside of my body to try to fill that void. I know better now though and I will do it differently this time. I have always said I was a ā€œnon-religiousā€ person who was very spiritual, yet lately I have realized that earth religions speak to me, so I am going to run with that idea. If we do not bend we will break, I am done being broken.



Checking in.
656 No boooze.
68 No sugar.

Things are going well. Iā€™m grateful my back didnā€™t hurt this morning and that usually makes for a great day. But Iā€™ll be cautiously optimistic. Iā€™m happy to be home from my trip to Dallas. And I feel like this is finally home for me. Home is where you pick up pets up from the kennel after a trip. Going back to my second home, Austin, in a couple of weeks for our next trip. Excited that I already have some sober trips under my belt. Iā€™ll need it.

When I first started over 650 days ago I kept wondering about that first flight and how I would handle it. And thatā€™s when I coined the phrase.
ā€œIā€™m not drinking today. And Iā€™m probably not drinking tomorrow.ā€ Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t travel early on and I didnā€™t go to social gatherings and family stuff. Thanks Rona. :grimacing: I canā€™t believe the confidence I finally got in my sobriety. Thatā€™s why I spend a lot of time on TS. Iā€™m not going to get cocky about it. And thereā€™s no way I want to start over.
Thatā€™s all we got to do. And we can do it together.

Hey :wave: STNT

One of my faves.
The blindness of human reason is so limitless and incomprehensible. That reason cannot come to a correct understanding of faith, much less make correct judgments about life and works.
Martin Luther


Nature and earth religions speak to me as well. No religion of man has ever touched me more than bathing in Nature. Iā€™ve no doubt thereā€™s a higher power, and I do call it God, but itā€™s inside me and all around me, never more present than when Iā€™m surrounded by Nature.

P.S. Yes, I hug trees, and I speak to animals and rivers and mountains. And they speak right back. :green_heart:


Youā€™re not alone. Weā€™re working on this together. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:


Congratulations on your 30 days! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Checking in.

ODAAT :sunny:


@cool catch :star_struck: congrats :tada:
@MagicILY I hope therapy went well :pray:t2:
@Laraellelarissa that is so beautiful :blue_heart::blush: congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Bigbear welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on making it past the first 24hrs :tada:
@MsMotorista welcome :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on your month :tada:
@liv_m congrats on sleep! :raised_hands:t2::tada:
@WCan congrats on 400 days :tada:
@Its_me_Stella wishing you well on your spiritual journey :blush:

435 days no alcohol.
403 days no cocaine.
3 days no binge-eating.

Iā€™ve spent today stressing about Xmas. I get like this every year, never knowing what to get people. I used to be so good at getting really meaningful gifts for everyone but Iā€™m all out of ideas these days and donā€™t have the same budget as before. I want to get it out of the way early this year so the stress doesnā€™t cluster up inside me.

Support group tomorrow, not really anxious about it but I wish it was only one hour and not two.


Sounds like a day! Big, MASSIVE, congrats on 7 days! A week, friend! Youā€™re doing it! :heartpulse:


Thanks Stella! Looks great hanging up in its new home :ok_hand::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Checking in on day 164. Anxiously awaiting my official retirement approval orders from the US Army (received initial approval 3 weeks ago). Had a great chat with my next employer today about opportunities when I hit the ground running in February (I accepted an offer some time ago and the firm is keeping my seat warm). Had an excellent workout todayā€‹:muscle::muscle: and enjoying being present with the kiddos as they do homework and get ready for their school day tomorrow.