Checking in daily to maintain focus #38

Hey all, checking in on day 603. I hope everybody has a good one today!


Weā€™re here for ya! Sending all my good vibes to Ms. Monkey.


Good morning all!!!/ evening for some

Day 82

Just checking in. Have a wonderful day everyone!


I LOVE this :blue_heart: My partners milestones are a source of great joy to me. Please convey my heartfelt CONGRATS!!


As long as the one client that your dealing with at that time is happy with the work you gave them thatā€™s all that matters. If nobody else likes that piece fuck- em. Art is objective, not everybodyā€™s gonna like everything you put out. I like all my tattoos but Iā€™m sure most people could find something wrong with all them. Dosent matter. Keep doing what your doing.:v:


Checking in for the week! Have been doing really well on all fronts for a few days - pain managed, anxiety/depression tendencies giving me a break, havenā€™t had cravings for booze in a long time. Alcohol is the least of my worries right now, which is great, but that is not a reason to be less vigilant. As many here have expressed, cravings can come without notice and itā€™s important I keep on top of my recovery to be ready when the time comes. My biggest trigger is pain, when Iā€™ve really been suffering it can be tempting to want to obliterate it and myself as a result. Not a helpful coping mechanism at all. The last time I thought about drinking was in the midst of a pain flare/migraine that felt never ending. I used to get irritated when Iā€™d hear people say ā€œthis too shall pass.ā€ Well, itā€™s the truth. Nothing is permanent. This could get very philosophical, but you probably catch my meaning.

Iā€™m beginning the week with goals for fitness, both physical and mental, as well as my goals for living wholeheartedly. This weekend was productive, happy (with some practice in working through conflict through communication with my husband), and full of good food and good love. I appreciate that life gives me the opportunity for a full range of experiences that help me appreciate the joyful and beautiful moments even more.

Rosa ramble to start the week! Iā€™ll do a @Mno and share pics from my weekend stomping through mud and snow along the Mississippi River looking for bald eagles. Sober on, amigos. :heartpulse:


Day 126 AF Still fighting the virus from hell. So tired. Iā€™ve been analyzing why the hot whiskey toddy has such a strong pull on me. Trigger warning here Iā€™m gonna talk about drinking * I remember the smell so clearly. The memory triggered by that smell is compelling. Iā€™m maybe 7 or 8 years old and very sick with a virus much like the one Iā€™m currently fighting. My mom had gone back to night school to get her diploma and my dad is caring for me and my sister. He seldom spent time with us or showed us any affection so this was a novelty. This day heā€™s kind, tender and attentive. He makes us hot whiskey toddies to help us sleep. Itā€™s my first taste of alcohol. I did not like it one bit but I LOVED the feeling of warmth and hazy well-being, wrapped in basking in the unusual affection and love my father was showing me. The taste and feel of whiskey became intertwined in the feeling of being loved in my mind. ~ sigh ~ I know itā€™s twisted thinking but a hot whiskey toddy still sounds good. Even so, I ainā€™t gonna have one.


Hope you feel better soon!


Day 116 well was having a pretty good day. Tried to express some stuff that just turned into a shit show in my house, I really see where my lack of confidence comes from. I try to build myself up everyday, but it sucks when you try to show something and then get put down about it. but w.e Iā€™m carrying on


Iā€™m proud of you dude. :clap::clap:ā€¦ sometimes itā€™s baby steps sometimes big steps, try not to be harsh on your self . Youā€™re doing great :wink:


Revelling a bit in my exam results. Very glad theyā€™re pretty good,. Saw a rainbow :rainbow: today on way home, Iā€™m taking it as a sign that Iā€™m doing a good thing by taking an offer from a professor to help me go over organic chemistry again, as it was a hard module.
Ps I only did a couple of weeks revision because Iā€™d relapsed over Dec holidaysā€¦ one mark reflected that, the one I cared about the most. The other marks were shit hot (ego):crazy_face:


Hiya Kat here checking in at Day 187

Working this afternoon/ evening so hit a Zoom NA meeting from Arizona just now.
Other than that gotta call my sponsor I have been forgetting to send my gratitudes:(

Hope and love to you all!



Day 605 clean and sober today. Todayā€™s my Saturday and I think Iā€™m going Kayaking! Have a great day everyone I love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I love kayaking! Enjoy!!!

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Checking in day 22 AF. Also had my last cig today, none left now and going to try my hardest not to buy any more. Can already feel the cravings coming on but just got to ride it out. Might try the lemon juice someone suggested on here. Will be busy in work this week so that will help to distract. Decided the best thing for me in managing comfort eating is just not to buy any unhealthy food, if I donā€™t have it in the house then I canā€™t eat it. Just got to stay away from those take away deliveries! Deleted the apps! Cā€™mon to this week being a healthy week :facepunch:t2:


@Lotusflower I canā€™t find your post now but I wanted to say Iā€™m so proud of you for staying strong yesterday :blue_heart: Donā€™t let him in your home again, he crossed a line and Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with that, and on your childā€™s birthday too. :cry:
@SadMemeQueen Iā€™m so glad your sister was okay and managed to find somewhere safe to ask for help. :raised_hands:t2:
@Misokatsu thank you :blue_heart:
@Dolse71 congrats to your partner for 10 months :tada:
@anon53116147 Iā€™m glad you recognised it and came back here to connect and post again :blue_heart: Keep doing what you love. Iā€™m proud of you. :blush:
@Mno lots of growth on your windowsill, and in you, I see it, I hope you do too. :blue_heart:
@Kymage congrats on 40 days :tada: Iā€™m sorry for your monring struggles, but glad youā€™re getting some relief as the days go on, sending strength :blue_heart:
@Hopeful777 stunning photos :heart_eyes: I hope youā€™ve had a lovely time :blush:
@ShadowFax congrats on 5 weeks :tada: enjoy your time off :blush:
@Charlie_C congrats on 450 days :tada:


@Tito23 Iā€™m so pleased youā€™ve found support in your sobriety :raised_hands:t2:
@Thirdmonkey I hope Ms. Monkeyā€™s surgery went well. :pray:t2:
@Tomek yay for shot day :partying_face: glad you got away and are feeling more balanced :blush:
@RosaCanDo I always appreciate a good ā€˜Rosa rambleā€™ :smiley: Iā€™m so glad youā€™re getting a reprieve from the pain and mental health stuff :raised_hands:t2: Awesome photos too! :star_struck:
@Hazy congrats on the ā€˜sh*t hotā€™ exam results :clap:t2:
@Rockstar24777 Kayaking sounds like fun, enjoy! :smiley:
@anon86198612 I wish you well in battling the nicotine and junk food demons. :pray:t2:

546 days no alcohol.
11 days no cocaine.
8 days no binge-eating.

A peaceful day today. Iā€™ve enjoyed hearing the birds chirping :blush: it feels like itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve heard them, either that or I havenā€™t been paying attention, either way, it has been lovely.

My grocery delivery wasnā€™t coming until a few hours later, and the only thing I had left to make for lunch was a ready meal with a high sugar content, I usually only eat that one in the evenings when I take my evening dose of diabetes medication. Well, from midday until around an hour ago when I took my evening dose early, so for 6 hours, I felt horrendous, every time I layed down it felt like I was a teenager again and had drank too much alcohol and/or smoked too much cannabis, which thankfully, was not the case. Feeling so much better now though so I know it was the sugar. Wonā€™t be buying that particular meal anymore.

I did manage to have a really nice ā€˜pink cloudā€™ type moment today though, that made me smile so much my cheeks ached, I was stroking Prince, and I was filled with so much love and gratitude for being alive and clean again. :raised_hands:t2:

I hope you all have had nice starts to your week. :blush::blue_heart:


You crack me up, Charlie. :rofl: Yā€™all have fun!

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My husband is diabetic and often canā€™t wait for mealtime to eat, because it makes him feel so sick. I try to keep different cheeses and crackers, peanut or almond butter, and nuts and berries for those times. Have you tried that?


Just checking in. 23 days sober . Itā€™s been rough the last couple of days.