Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

Day 2

Started day at Church. Been working a little bit in garden later. Sweating a lot. Not really in the mood today. Brains feels like buffering all the time… I will finish Hellraiser 2022 movie later, falled a sleep yesterday while watching it, dont get me wrong, not a bad movie, just was really tired after work and hangovers.


Wow!!! That’s awesome!!!

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Day 484. Partner is working today so I am home with the kids who are having a dragon-drawing contest. Apparently I am to be the judge. I had better tread lightly there.

It’s getting chilly up here. Had a bit of a spat last night with my partner about whether the furnace should be switched on. I’m not ready for winter yet. I feel like summer just started!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Let’s do it sober, or it’s a waste.


Sometimes a very long time. Maybe never. You’ve probably caused them hurts you can’t see. It’s not up to them to believe you. It’s up to you to prove yourself. you’re not getting sober for their forgiveness. You need to be getting sober because it’s the right thing to do for you. And just keep showing up for them and yourself. And eventually hopefully they will see through your changed life that you’re a new man who’s trying really hard to change his life amd make up for the past.

All that being said I don’t know your history or theirs and I think this is a VERY difficult road to travel for you. I can see how badly you want to do better for yourself and for them. So ignore me if I’m way off base.

I’m hoping all the best for you. I do want them to see the fruits of your efforts. But if they don’t I don’t want that to derail you cause it’s a choice you made to better YOUR life.


Thank for the reading Eric! I really enjoyed it! Waiting is also something i need to work on :slight_smile:


Great to see you Hanna. Huge congrats on your milestones dear Lady. Hugs and love and everything. Four years is awesome.


Day 78 AF
Day 50sth toxfree and staying away from toxic energy

Yoga, Meditating, cleaning, arranging, reorganizing, solving technical probs, phoning, lots of Iced coffee, hot chicken wings for very late lunch (4 pm), naaaap, beauty and now stretching aaaaaand then let’s go to the swim workout!

Feeling fine. Strong. Relaxed.
Tomorrow I will visit my parents…
So I will enjoy mums kitchen :heartpulse:
Rich girl :call_me_hand:t2::sunglasses:

Hugs guys and girls :hugs::heartpulse::panda_face:
Take care and stay sober! :v:t2:


Congratulations on the 51 days Kris.
Actions over time
Equal trust.

It’s the only formula I know.


You do not wait. You move on. People will see you for what you are now or not. That’s not up to you. What is up to you is that you keep doing this recovery thing. ODAAT and all that. Keep going. Sometimes we need a new social circle too. Sometimes too much has been broken by our actions. I have no idea how that is for you of course. Wishing you all success on your journey Kris.


Huge congratulations on 5 months AF!!! Way to go!! :smiley:


Day 203
Haven’t checked in for a long time but things are going great. Having the tools and connection to God has given me the strength I never had.
Hope everyone is well and having a great weekend.


60 days today :partying_face:
Never been this sober before.also never felt this alone before.


Day 120 :heart: Things are ok so grateful for that. In a lot of pain in neck. Slept a little today, not done much else x


Are you going to get a new one tomorrow though? Since it’s expired now :upside_down_face:


@Minatasha That sounds like that was tough. They probably had hangovers and felt rough the next day, and you were ready to embrace another day of being alive :purple_heart:

@HeyImKris It takes a long time. I’ve shared before, but it took three months for my husband to not come through the door and immediately ask " are you ok?" i.e. sober, and search my face for signs of drinking.
As for being forgiven, once a proper amends has been made then your side of the street is clear. Their clinging to it (which is their prerogative, of course) is not your problem and you cannot control it. Concentrate on yourself.

Ooh, sounds fab!


sitting a few feet away from my family and I just got called the problem child. :slight_smile:


1045 days without gaming
2 days without technology abuse

I think it’s save to say that I’m truly getting out of my funk. I’m no longer used to some mild suicidal ideation, so it took a bigger toll than usual. It’s scary, because it makes me feel weaker than a year ago. And I should be feeling grateful that I’m not used to it, but truthfully, I barely feel that gratitude right now.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel good. I had an impossible day at work today. I was missing 60% of my employees. But I worked my ass off and accepted that doing my best does not mean doing things perfect. So, a good day all in all.


So sorry to hear that. That kind of third person commenting is so rude and insensitive.


very. not sure what else I expected though


Well done!!! I’m sorry you’re feeling alone though. That’s so hard.