Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

Happy Birthday @CATMANCAM! :birthday:
Sounds like a lovely day. Picking out your own gifts is a very nice option. At least you got some stuff you wanted or didnā€™t know you wanted until you saw them. And going to an American diner is my jam. We have a lot of them and itā€™s always my go to when itā€™s my turn to choose.
We share the same zodiac sign. Mine is coming up on the 7th. Go Cancers! :laughing:


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Ahhhā€¦here we go again. Day 3 again. Well, right now I feel like shit. So it was a slow, restful day with lots of YouTube and Netflix. At least Iā€™m back here on TS. One day at a time. :muscle:


Happy belated birthday :upside_down_face: itā€™s good to see you enjoyed it so much! So much new and good things going on in your life lately.


Alcohol - day 1392
Disordered Eating - day 2

Managed to push through the cravings for unnecessary snacks last night. Checking in now as Iā€™m in bed and committed to not raiding my pantry no matter what my brain tells me. I have consumed adequate amounts of food today. I donā€™t need anymore.

I also slept until 4pm today. My sleep has been shit for months and Iā€™m sure the night time binge eating impacts that. So hopefully I will sleep better tonight because I do have to work tomorrow.

Strange side note - went to the fridge in our garage where we keep drinks (itā€™s hot in Texas and we have a whole refrigerator with bottled water, Gatorade, soda etc) and notice two little bottles of white wine. My 22 yo daughter is home for the summer and I guess she bought it. Idk. But I was shocked at my reaction. Almost 4 years alcohol free and my dumb ass alcoholic brain says to me ā€œthat would taste really goodā€. Nope.


Second check in today. Went with my family to a fireworks show downtown. Man, crowds Stress. Me. The. Fuck. Out. Dunno if itā€™s because Iā€™m still coming off the meds (looooong slow taper) but I am really on edge. Back home and in bed now. Deep breaths, tomorrow is a new day.


Happy (belated) Birthday @CATMANCAM !! Best wishes to you for each single day! Celebrate them all and be proud of yourself for so much! Big hugs xo


Good evening all. Checking in on day 684! Was a rough and long day at work, was well paid considering itā€™s a holiday but am ready for sleep but unfortunately have to stay up for an overnight tomorrow! Listening to some music and relaxing for the night and awaiting my next day off! Hope everyone is well and stay safe!


Day 11, some strange dreams of being seriously ill last night , very odd.

Nearly seven am and still sleepy which is unusual, i am usually up at about six!


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.
Big summer storm just made landfall here. Iā€™m advised to stay home for now. Since I donā€™t have to work today thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ll do. When I was younger I loved to go out in this and risk my life. Thereā€™s an analogy to addiction there somewhere. X


Day 44.
Hi everyone, I am new here but have been reading your stories and experiences for a while now. :slight_smile:
I wanted to be sure that I was staying sober for a bit before creating an account. Glad to be here and thank you all for sharing your stories! I believe it helped me a lot to get to this day.
Hope you all have a great day!


Stay safe! I am a Dutchie living abroad but seen the news. I hope it will be over real soonā€¦


I can so much relate to thatā€¦ :scream:
Big hug :people_hugging:


Dank je Anna! And welcome to the forum, such a great place for getting and giving support. Itā€™s been my main peer support group for over 4 years now. Hoping it can be of help to you too. Big congrats on 44 days, wishing you all success in your sober journey!


Day 7

Woke up with a hard phantom hangover feeling. Itā€™s better now.

One weekā€¦

FUCK alcohol :fist:t2::pirate_flag:


Yeah, congratulations to one week. :upside_down_face::four_leaf_clover::sunflower::sunglasses:


Welcome to the site @AnnaE and congratulations on your 44 days!

Congratulations on your week @Juli1
Thatā€™s great!

@icebear Congratulations on your milestone this past week! Sorry you were feeling so uncomfortable.


Day 86 checking in :pray:t2:


Ask him is he alright and stare into his eyes make them feel uncomfortable and they will eventually back off cause of the awkward situation,tried and tested a few times :blush:keep up the good work with soberity


Checking in, almost made 50 days but then had a drink with a meal out. That turned into buying a bottle and another glass of wine at home. Then, the following day (yesterday) thinking I may as finish the bottle that night. I am never a blackout drunk, just as soon as I do this I go into the cycle of daily drinking. I know already that I am going to want a drink later. I canā€™t do this on willpower alone so need strategies. I really want this to be the last Day 1.