Checking in daily to maintain focus #72

Checking in on day 500…a nice number, and, half way to 1000! I’m looking forward to the day i can post that milestone in the 1000’s thread :blush: we’re set for a big storm here in the UK over the weekend, so I think i will hunker down with a good book and watch it through the window. Wishing everybody a happy and sober weekend :v::heart:


Day 7 check in.

Rollercoaster day here. Had to speak with a colleague at 4pm and could tell he was wasted. Met a friend for lunch and never looked back from the sound of it.

Made me slightly jealous that he has been socialising whilst I was working, but at the same time just made me sad for him. Tomorrow I’ll get up and have as good a day as I’m going to have, his day will have already started in the dumpster where mine started sooo many times. I’m never going back there.

AF cider with dinner and ice cream after to sooth the sweet tooth. I hit the gym this morning so it’s kinda okay :wink:

Looks like a good news day all round here, hope the weekend continues that way for all!


500 Is going places Kiki Dee! Huge congrats and just keep going.



Congratulations 1900 days is amazing.



Way to go on 500 days… I will be here to celebrate your 1000 with you.


Friday afternoon - last hour of my workday. Horrible day today. Barely slept last night, solo parenting with my daughter, and haven’t been able to get some fresh air yet.
Trying to focus on positives, but I’m beyond exhausted and wondering how I’m going to get us all fed some healthy food, and safely take care of my little girl until bedtime tonight.
Sorry for the pity party! I swear I’ll post when I’m having a good day too.

Take care of yourself.


311 days AF

Checking in to say goodnight :star:

Stable so far…
Much love :heart:


Of course. There’s always room for friends :grinning:


@tragicfarinelli Best of luck with the prep. I do hope your colonoscopy is early on Tuesday so you can get it over with :crossed_fingers: Hope today’s rest at home has been going well for you :hugs:
@rockstar24777 LOL I do know those laid back days. Sometimes we just need that day to veg. Sorry it felt gross. Wishing you a active lovely day today :hugs:

Aw man I feel this. I don’t know where we learn this behavior or thinking – so unhealthy and needs to be binned. You deserve to do something for yourself and to do it without guilt. Hope you were able to keep that guilt at bay and have a great nights sleep :hugs:

Naw friend – not possible. That is what your Higher Power is there for. To support and guide you limitlessly. Always ready and willing :pray: Keep working your recovery my friend. You are doing great with life’s challenges :pray: :hugs:

I absolutely love this! Look forward to seeing your finished products :heart: Glad you were able to get that your day back on track my friend. Enjoy those movies and keep pushing forward :muscle:
@jesile Love the view and glad you were able to get to the sea side with book and blanket and tea :clap: Love that you were able to make a sober call to your mom! All amazing stuff my friend – keep it up. Have a wonderful time tomorrow on your excursion
@dilettante YEAH 500 days! You are crushing the numbers Kiki – I too look forward to celebrating your quadrulple digits with you. Keep shining!
@james83 Well done with your 1 week! Waking up sober and starting the day with a clear mind never gets old! :tada:
@positivethoughts UGH that sucks I’m sure – dealing with anything when you are low on sleep is rough. I am sorry friend. You will get through this and I do hope that you are able to get some fresh air soon as well as that will help maybe awaken the senses. Sending strength and energy your way! :pray: :hugs:

Late afternoon / early evening check in…
Did manage to get up and move around a bit today so that is a bonus. Still feeling so damn overwhelmed with my body and its BS. It will all get better I know - have to stay positive and keep my faith.
Going to find a good movie to watch as I rest now… wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


983 days sober here, checking in on a lovely Saturday morning. I’m feeling a bit overloaded from work and my routine but playing a relaxing day.
Have a nice sober weekend everyone :heartbeat:


Day 692.

Today I’m grateful. Grateful to be sober, grateful to be alive, grateful for my husband, grateful for my dog, grateful for the little life I’m building, grateful to be free. We take things for granted all the time, but it’s nice to stop, breathe, and really appreciate what you’ve got. I still choose to see the beauty. Days like today seem to prove me right.

I love you guys. I’m also grateful for this community :heart:


Day 531. Weather here is awful. Really stormy. Government Weather warning… plan for me is to take it easy this weekend, read, dog walk and relax

Need to sort out a few final Christmas presents. I don’t enjoy it as much as i use to as i don’t hear from my children these days… i will tho focus on all the things I am grateful for .


@Sissychris39 you are welcome.
Day 17 here. Back to work. Exhausted and a little bit nervous. I must control my temper


@JazzyS thank you for your words and understanding. I love oatmeal too!
I hate when I think I am entitled to relapse, and I see is growing in my mind


Day 20 AF. Middle of the night check in. Could not sleep :neutral_face:


That is the nasty cycle my friend. Remind yourself that you are entitled to a addiction free life. You deserve to not be chained to this addiction. You deserve to be happy. Keep this in mind when the mind takes you down the rabbit hole. Stay strong my friend :muscle: :heart:


Friday evening check in.
Wife and I are waiting for our daughter to drift off to sleep. We had a lovely family evening with a walk in the neighbourhood and some play time.
I’m going to bed early with a book soon. Been looking forward to this day ending all day. It was a rough slog to get through, but I’m going to make it, and thankfully my cranky pants are off. I hope you have a great weekend.


Fantastic job on 500 days! :star_struck:


@Dilettante Huge Congrats on 500 days girl!!! :tada::partying_face: Proud of you for doing the damn thing :clap:

I’m grateful for this post :pray: I was just thinking I ought to practice gratitude in hopes to lift my spirits after the day I had. Glad yours was such a good one :smiling_face:


So yeah, not the best day :confused: Sleep was choppy. My daughter had 1/2 day of school, so I went back to sleep for those couple hours. I woke up to a text saying “You don’t have to work tonight!”, like it was exciting news. My mood dropped instantly and I didn’t even respond bc I was so mad I couldn’t decide what to say :rage: I lost my drive to do anything, so I watched a movie while my daughter cleaned her room. I did organize some of my clothes after, while she decided which of hers she wants to donate. I wanted to do more, but lost my energy and felt exhausted again :face_exhaling: It might be the time of year. Only 2 weeks til the solstice and then the days will gradually become longer! …And I just realized I should probably be taking my vitamin D like I did the past 2 winters. Duh :woman_facepalming: It totally helps!

My night ended alright. A bit of grocery shopping before dinner, then watched Home Alone after. I’m already pretty tired and should probably go to bed before it passes. Work in the am :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Hope you all have a safe and sober weekend :heart: ODAAT!


Congratulations with your amount of days and what a lovely cake you baked! :yum::yum::yum:

@Dilettante well done for the 500 days as well! :facepunch::facepunch: